Request for proposals for KOHA Hosting and Support Services
Responders must provide on March 15th one electronic copy in Microsoft Word or PDF format delivered by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
To receive the full description of requirements for the call for proposals please contact Ms. Georgia Konstantinidou at the above email address.
About Anatolia College
Anatolia College is an institution that offers all levels of education (K-12 through College).
Additional information please find at our website:
About Anatolia College Libraries
The Anatolia College Libraries consist of three branch libraries. Additional information about each library branch is available at: , and
About Koha
Anatolia College Libraries uses a shared library catalog/integrated library system utilizing the Koha (3.8) open source software system. The database currently includes approximately 59,000 bibliographic records, 64,000 item records, and 2,700 patron records. The annual circulation is approximately 14,000 checkouts.
About this RFP
This is a Request for Proposals to provide a full range of data migration, hosting, configuration/customization and technical support for a Koha integrated library system for the Anatolia College Libraries.
Anatolia College Libraries is seeking proposals from a Koha hosting/technical support vendor that meets the requirements stated below, including an immediate upgrade to the most current Koha stable release version (18.11 or higher), and updating to subsequent releases as they become available. Potential vendors of Koha support services are invited to use wide latitude in responding to the RFP.
- Web hosting and management of the Anatolia College Libraries Koha database(s). (Annually)
- KOHA installation, configuration and customization
- Data migration and deployment of software upgrades and enhancements
- Import/configuration/cleanup of authority records
- Import of patron data with items and fines
- OPAC customization
- Software development, bug fixes, and integration into the Anatolia College Libraries Koha codebase of software releases, features and patches
- Unlimited technical support 24/7
- SIP/SIP2/NCIP support
- Staff training (onsite and/or online through webinars)
- Assurance that services can cater for records in English and Greek language
- Ensure that privacy/security rules and regulations (GDPR) apply
- Data access and ownership, including provision of data and sponsored development code in standard formats upon request and without additional cost, command line access by Anatolia College Libraries staff (at least one Admin root) and access to and editing authority over Koha templates
The proposal and resulting contract should be sufficiently flexible to permit optional future restructuring.