

Aims & Objectives

The aims of the Diploma Programme History course are to promote:

  1. the acquisition and understanding of historical knowledge in breadth and in depth, from different cultures
  2. a developing appreciation and understanding of history as a discipline, including the nature and diversity of its sources, methods and interpretations
  3. international awareness and understanding of people living in a variety of places at different times
  4. a better understanding of the present through an understanding of the past
  5. an ability to use and communicate historical knowledge and understanding
  6. a lasting interest in history

Course Structure

The content of the IB History course at Anatolia will consist of the study of World History of the twentieth century, covering such topics as the authoritarian states and independence movements. In addition, Higher Level candidates will study the regional history of Europe in the twentieth century in rather more depth.

Skills taught and reinforced on the course will include writing clear academic essays, reading complex texts for information, developing of critical thinking and debate skills.

Course Assessment

The IB History examination at Standard Level consists of two papers:

a) a 1-hour document-based exam on Rights and Protest. The two case studies investigated are the Civil Rights Movement in the United States and Apartheid in South Africa.
b) a 1.5 hour essay-based exam on topics from 20th century world history

Higher Level candidates also have a third essay-based examination lasting 2.5 hours on European History.

In addition, all candidates must do a Historical Investigation of 2,200 words, which will be internally assessed by the teacher and moderated by the IBO.

Download the subject guide



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