Embrace Change at ACT
We live in a time when everything is changing fast.
ACT, the tertiary division of Anatolia College, does not teach you what will have changed by the time you graduate. It teaches you how to adapt to every change!
MoreWe live in a time when everything is changing fast.
ACT, the tertiary division of Anatolia College, does not teach you what will have changed by the time you graduate. It teaches you how to adapt to every change!
More6th Grade Anatolia Elementary School students reminded us of the timeless values of life through enlightened literature texts from the 19th and 20th century.
In this beautiful and emotional way, the children bid farewell to their favorite school, their classmates and teachers.
Read more on the Anatolia Elementary School website. (The article that follows is written in Greek).
MoreFilm is both a powerful communication medium and an art form. The Diploma Programme film course aims to develop students’ skills so that they become adept in both interpreting and making film texts.
Through the study and analysis of film texts and exercises in film-making, the Diploma Programme film course explores film history, theory and socio-economic background. The course develops students’ critical abilities, enabling them to appreciate the multiplicity of cultural and historical perspectives in film. To achieve an international understanding within the world of film, students are taught to consider film texts, theories and ideas from the points of view of different individuals, nations and cultures.
The IB film course emphasizes the importance of working individually and as a member of a group. Students are encouraged to develop the professional and technical skills (including organizational skills) needed to express themselves creatively in film.
At the core of the IB film course lies a concern with clarity of understanding, critical thinking, reflective analysis, effective involvement and imaginative synthesis that is achieved through practical engagement in the art and craft of film.
The film course at SL and HL aims to develop in students the skills necessary to achieve creative and critical independence in their knowledge, experience and enjoyment of film.
The aims are to promote:
Part 1: Textual analysis
This part of the course involves the detailed study of film sequences. Students should move between close textual analysis of specific scenes and analysis of films as a whole, contextualizing meanings within a larger framework.
Part 2: Film theory and history
This section involves the study of films and film-making traditions from more than one country. Students are expected to learn about films from more than one country to enhance their understanding of films familiar to them and also of films from other countries that may be less familiar to them.
Part 3: Creative process - techniques and organization of production
Part three focuses on the development of creative, analytical and production skills within film-making. Students will have the opportunity to develop skills in film production.
Having followed the film course at SL or HL, students are expected to demonstrate:
External assessment: 50%
Independent study: Rationale, script and list of sources for a short documentary production on an aspect of film theory and/or film history. The chosen films must originate from more than one country. (25%).
Oral Presentation: An oral presentation of a detailed critical analysis of a continuous extract from a prescribed film (25%).
Internal assessment: 50%
Production Portfolio : This component is internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated by the IB at the end of the course (50%).
MoreThe Diploma Programme theatre course is designed to encourage students to examine theatre in its diversity of forms around the world. This may be achieved through a critical study of the theory, history and culture of theatre, and will find expression through work shopping, devised work or scripted performance. Students will come to understand that the act of imagining, creating, presenting and critically reflecting on theatre in its past and present contexts embodies the individual and social need to investigate. Theatre is a composite art that is forever evolving in new forms. It nourishes, sustains and extends the human spirit. It is a means of exploring society and relationships within it. Through it, there may emerge possibilities for individual and communal understanding. Theatre is about transformation. It is the application, through play, of energy and imagination to frame, reflect, expose, critique and speculate.
These activities should engage and develop the sensibilities of all the students who participate in them.
By studying theatre, and engaging with it practically, students will discover how elusive, fascinating and varied theatre can be.
At the core of the theatre course lies a concern with clarity of understanding, critical thinking, reflective analysis, effective involvement and imaginative synthesis—all of which should be achieved through practical engagement in theatre.
The guide aims offer the broad goals of the course. The aims focus on:
The course objectives give insight into those areas that will be assessed. An effective course must create opportunities for the student to acquire the following identified qualities:
The HL student must also have the opportunity in the created course to investigate the nature of the relationship between theory and practice and engage with these findings
As part of the core syllabus, students will be expected to:
[as Director, Designer, Actor, and Spectator]
Syllabus Component |
Theatre in Context |
Theatre Processes |
Presenting Theatre |
Examining a Play text |
Research and examine the theoretical/cultural/personal context of at least 1 play. |
Examine at least 1 play text through practical work. |
Take part in the production of a play text to an audience. |
Creating Original Theatre |
Research at least 1 starting point and explore it through practical work. |
Respond to at least 1 stimuli and engage with the process of making an original theatre piece. |
Take part in the production of an original piece to an audience. |
Exploring Performance Practices from around the world |
Research and examine the theoretical/cultural/personal context of at least 2 contrasting performance practices from around the world. |
Examine at least 2 contrasting performance practices from around the world through practical work. |
Take part in a practical presentation of 1 theatre practice to others. |
HL only Theatre Theory in Practice |
Research and examine the theoretical/cultural/personal context of at least 1 unfamiliar theatre theorist. |
Study the process of practically exploring theatre theory and applying it to performance work. |
Take part in a practical solo performance of a piece of work inspired by the theories of others. |
Syllabus Component |
Combining all they have learned from Theatre in Context, Theatre Processes and Presenting Theatre units: |
Examining a Play text |
Produce a Director's Notebook (20-30 pages) which explores the proposed staging of a published play text of their choice. It should include research into the cultural and theoretical context of the play. Include a 300 word description of their vision and directorial interpretation. |
Creating Original Theatre |
Take part in a Collaborative Theatre Project, creating an original piece of theatre from a stimulus. Submit a process portfolio (15-20 pages) to show how they have worked with others and what their contribution was. Include a 5-6 minutes unedited video recording and written commentary (400-500 words). |
Exploring Performance Practices from around the world |
Give a presentation on their Practical Research into Performance which includes a live 13-15 minute presentation about an unfamiliar practice from the perspective of performer and include a list of sources. |
HL only Theatre Theory in Practice |
At HL create and present a performance informed by a theatre theorist and an element of their theory. The Theatre Theory in Practice assessment includes a process portfolio (7-10 pages), a 5-10 minutes unedited videorecording of the performance and a written analysis of the selected recording (750-1000 words) |
Journal: Students at both HL and SL should keep a journal from the outset of the course. This is the student’s own record, charting development, challenges and achievements, and, as such, students are free to determine what form it should take (written, audio and/or visual). The aim of the journal is to support and nurture development and reflection, and it is expected that much of the students’ assessed work will emerge from it. Students should also be encouraged to explore connections between different areas of learning throughout the course. The journal should reflect the sensibility of individual students, and will contain their responses to the different areas of learning, it should be regarded as a fundamental activity of the course. The journal is checked and assessed in the end of each semester.
Students are required to participate at -at least- three performances working from a different perspective in each one (acting, directing, set or costume design, lighting, sound or music, stage and production management. All the different stages of the production process should be recorded at the portfolio (rehearsals, performance and reflection) having always in mind to analyse, reflect and synthesise, not just to record. The third performance can always be a production outside the strict boundaries of the course (ie Drama Club or any other theatre group in town) as long as it is properly documented in the journal.
Although artistic excellence (talent?!) is not directly graded -only through the Journal- during the practical work students are required to demonstrate:
Failure to any of the above criteria can result to a low mark as a penalty.
External Productions: Students are encourage to see at least 4 (2 for each year) external performances. These performances should be properly recorded at the Journal and after the 2nd term connected with the theory.
Class presentations & Class participation: Needless to say that students are encouraged to participate during the class and to be prepared to do at least one presentation per year.
Group work: Group work is an essential part of IB Theatre Arts. Students need to learn how to work productively with in a group under pressure of time
MoreStudents taking visual art often go on to study: Architecture, Fashion Design, Interior Design, Product Design, Graphic Design, Animation and Fine Art in Universities in the U.S.A, U.K. and other European countries. We have also enabled students to enter the School of Fine Arts in Thessaloniki. Students should only choose Visual Art if they have an interest and reasonable ability in the subject.
Students studying Visual Art will create art pieces in 2D, 3D and lens based formats. They will study art and artists from different cultures and times and make connections with their own work. They will create exhibitions of their work and explain it from a curatorial point of view. They will visit exhibitions in Thessaloniki and have the opportunity to visit two European capitals in years 1 and 2.
Externally Assessed
Students analyze and compare different artworks by different artists from different cultural contexts.
Externally Assessed
Students submit carefully selected materials which evidence their sustained experimentation, exploration, manipulation and refinement of a variety of art making activities during the 2 year course.
N.B. Art making forms are: Two Dimensional such as drawing, painting printmaking; Three Dimensional such as sculpture, designed objects (architecture, fashion etc.) site specific such as installation and mural. Lens /electronic and screen based forms such as: animation, photography, and video.
Internally Assessed by subject teachers and moderated by the IBDP at the end of the course.
Students submit a selection of their resolved artworks. The selection would show evidence of their technical accomplishment and an understanding of the use of materials, ideas and practices appropriate to visual communication.
Throughout the course students are expected to keep a journal to document their ideas. The journal is not directly assessed but is regarded as a fundamental activity of the course.
MoreMusic functions as a means of personal and communal identity and expression, and embodies the social and cultural values of individuals and communities. This scenario invites exciting exploration and sensitive study.
A vibrant and stimulating musical education fosters curiosity and openness to both familiar and unfamiliar musical worlds. Through participating in the study of music we are able to explore the similarities, differences and links in music from within our own culture and that of others across time.
The Diploma Programme music course provides the opportunity to build on prior experience in music, and the appropriate foundation for further study in music at university level or in music career pathways. It also provides an enriching and valuable course of study for students who wish to pursue other careers and, at the same time, engage in the world of music as lifelong participants.
The course enables students to develop their knowledge and potential as musicians, both personally and collaboratively. Having completed the IB music course at Standard Level (SL) or Higher Level (HL), students will be expected to demonstrate knowledge, understanding and perception of music in relation to time, place and cultures. They will be able to use appropriate musical terminology to describe and reflect their critical understanding of music, as well as present comparative analysis of music in relation to time, place and cultures. They will possess critical thinking skills through reflective thought, performance skills through solo or group music making, as well as compositional skills through the exploration, the control and the development of the elements of music.
It is recommended that at SL students a) have successfully completed two to three years of study at a music conservatory, and b) are familiar with the fundamental concepts of music theory in Western music such as tonality (major and minor scales), music chords and music intervals.
It is highly recommended that at HL students a) have successfully completed three to five years of study at a music conservatory, b) have an understanding of the fundamental concepts of music theory noted above, and c) are familiar with the concepts of music harmony, harmonic rhythm, music form and structure, counterpoint and music texture.
This component is compulsory for both SL and HL students
SL students are required to choose only one of the three components noted above.
HL students are required to present both Creating and Solo Performing.
Musical Perception
This involves study, analysis and examination, comparing and contrasting of musical cultures. Students actively listen to a wide range of music from different parts of the world, cultures and time periods. Students develop their aural perception and understanding of music by learning about musical elements (such as form, structure, duration, pitch, timbre, dynamics and texture), notations, musical terminology and context. An important part of musical perception is the study of two prescribed works. Two pieces of music are studied. These pieces represent key features from two different times, places and/or musical cultures. Students are required to analyze, examine, compare and contrast these prescribed works.
Investigating Musical Links
Through the study of pieces from different musical cultures students are encouraged to explore, analyze and examine the musical connections existing between two (or more) pieces of music from two distinct musical cultures. Through investigative study and analysis of the similarities and differences between the selected pieces of music, students learn to demonstrate significant musical links. The musical links investigation requires the student toengage in a sustained investigation that is self-directed.
In this component, students should aim to develop creative skills through exploration, control and development of musical elements. Creativity demands self-discipline and focus on the part of the students as they shape and assemble the musical elements to express a particular mood, character or other intended meaning. The following four options are available: composing, arranging, improvising and stylistic techniques, the latter being the study of the compositional styles of others. SL students are required to present two pieces of coursework, while HL students present three.
Solo Performing
SL students are required to submit a recording selected from pieces presented during one or more public performances(s). The total performance time must be 15 minutes for SL students and 20 minutes for HL students. In performing their pieces students may use any instrument or their voice. Any musical style is permitted. The submission should consist of contrasting pieces which display the student's strengths.
Group Performing
Students following this SL option are expected to be active, participating members of a musical group that performs on a regular basis in public during the course. A group could be as small as two people. However, the participating role of each performer must be of equal musical importance. The total performance time must be 20-30 minutes.
Students are assessed both externally and internally.
Listening Paper (30%)
Students are required to answer five musical perception questions.
Musical Links Investigation (20%)
A written media script of no more than 2000 words, investigating the significant musical links between two (or more) pieces from distinct musical cultures.
Students are required to choose one of the following options:
Students are required to present two pieces of coursework, with recordings and written work.
Solo Performing
Students are required to present a 15-minute recording selected from pieces presented during one or more public performance(s).
Group Performing
Students are required to present a 20 to 30-minute recording selected from pieces presented during two or more public performances.
Students are assessed both externally and internally.
Listening Paper (30%)
Students are required to answer seven musical perception questions.
Musical Links Investigation (20%)
A written media script of no more than 2000 words, investigating the significant musical links between two (or more) pieces from distinct musical cultures.
Creating (25%)
Students are required to present three pieces of coursework, with recordings and written work.
Solo Performing (25%)
Students are required to present a 20-minute recording selected from pieces presented during one or more public performance(s).
Teachers support students throughout their studies, offering expertise and guidance on all sections of the syllabus, as well as on the preparation of submissions. However, it is important that students become responsible for their own learning through an active approach. Throughout the course, students are encouraged to engage with music that is familiar and unfamiliar to them, from a range of times, places and cultures. Through instruction and activities, students develop their understanding of music, and are enabled to make creative connections in their work.
MoreMathematics has been described as the study of structure, order and relation that has evolved from the practices of counting, measuring and describing objects. Mathematics provides a unique language to describe, explore and communicate the nature of the world we live in as well as being a constantly building body of knowledge and truth in itself that is distinctive in its certainty. These two aspects of mathematics, a discipline that is studied for its intrinsic pleasure and a means to explore and understand the world we live in, are both separate yet closely linked.
Mathematics is driven by abstract concepts and generalization. This mathematics is drawn out of ideas, and develops through linking these ideas and developing new ones. These mathematical ideas may have no immediate practical application. Doing such mathematics is about digging deeper to increase mathematical knowledge and truth. The new knowledge is presented in the form of theorems that have been built from axioms and logical mathematical arguments and a theorem is only accepted as true when it has been proven. The body of knowledge that makes up mathematics is not fixed; it has grown during human history and is growing at an increasing rate.
The side of mathematics that is based on describing our world and solving practical problems is often carried out in the context of another area of study. Mathematics is used in a diverse range of disciplines as both a language and a tool to explore the universe; alongside this its applications include analyzing trends, making predictions, quantifying risk, exploring relationships and interdependence.
While these two different facets of mathematics may seem separate, they are often deeply connected. When mathematics is developed, history has taught us that a seemingly obscure, abstract mathematical theorem or fact may in time be highly significant. On the other hand, much mathematics is developed in response to the needs of other disciplines.
The two mathematics courses available to Diploma Programme (DP) students express both the differences that exist in mathematics described above and the connections between them. These two courses might approach mathematics from different perspectives, but they are connected by the same mathematical body of knowledge, ways of thinking and approaches to problems. The differences in the courses may also be related to the types of tools, for instance technology, that are used to solve abstract or practical problems. The next section will describe in more detail the two available courses.
Students who choose Mathematics: analysis and approaches at SL or HL should be comfortable in the manipulation of algebraic expressions and enjoy the recognition of patterns and understand the mathematical generalization of these patterns. Students who wish to take Mathematics: analysis and approaches at higher level will have strong algebraic skills and the ability to understand simple proof. They will be students who enjoy spending time with problems and get pleasure and satisfaction from solving challenging problems.
Having followed the Diploma Programme course in Mathematics, Analysis and Approaches, students will be expected to:
Despite the attitude that mathematics is all around us and everything can be described through its use this structural interconnection of mathematics and real-world is neither self-evident nor easily established. Let us call the process of translating a real-world problem into mathematics mathematicalization. The students should be introduced into mathematicalization slowly, progressively, methodically and systematically passing from very simple examples/cases to more complex ones. The variety of topics in the syllabus creates a conducive environment to this end.
Mathematics has been described as the study of structure, order and relation that has evolved from the practices of counting, measuring and describing objects. Mathematics provides a unique language to describe, explore and communicate the nature of the world we live in as well as being a constantly building body of knowledge and truth in itself that is distinctive in its certainty. These two aspects of mathematics, a discipline that is studied for its intrinsic pleasure and a means to explore and understand the world we live in, are both separate yet closely linked.
Mathematics is driven by abstract concepts and generalization. This mathematics is drawn out of ideas, and develops through linking these ideas and developing new ones. These mathematical ideas may have no immediate practical application. Doing such mathematics is about digging deeper to increase mathematical knowledge and truth. The new knowledge is presented in the form of theorems that have been built from axioms and logical mathematical arguments and a theorem is only accepted as true when it has been proven. The body of knowledge that makes up mathematics is not fixed; it has grown during human history and is growing at an increasing rate.
The side of mathematics that is based on describing our world and solving practical problems is often carried out in the context of another area of study. Mathematics is used in a diverse range of disciplines as both a language and a tool to explore the universe; alongside this its applications include analyzing trends, making predictions, quantifying risk, exploring relationships and interdependence.
While these two different facets of mathematics may seem separate, they are often deeply connected. When mathematics is developed, history has taught us that a seemingly obscure, abstract mathematical theorem or fact may in time be highly significant. On the other hand, much mathematics is developed in response to the needs of other disciplines.
The two mathematics courses available to Diploma Programme (DP) students express both the differences that exist in mathematics described above and the connections between them. These two courses might approach mathematics from different perspectives, but they are connected by the same mathematical body of knowledge, ways of thinking and approaches to problems. The differences in the courses may also be related to the types of tools, for instance technology, that are used to solve abstract or practical problems. The next section will describe in more detail the two available courses.
Having followed the Diploma Programme course in Mathematics, Analysis and Approaches, students will be expected to:
Despite the attitude that mathematics is all around us and everything can be described through its use this structural interconnection of mathematics and real-world is neither self-evident nor easily established. Let us call the process of translating a real-world problem into mathematics mathematicalization. The students should be introduced into mathematicalization slowly, progressively, methodically and systematically passing from very simple examples/cases to more complex ones. The variety of topics in the syllabus creates a conducive environment to this end.
Mathematical Studies (Standard Level) caters for students with varied backgrounds and abilities. More specifically it is designed to build confidence and encourage an appreciation of Mathematics in students who do not anticipate a need for Mathematics in their future studies. Students embarking on this course need to be equipped with fundamental skills and a rudimentary knowledge of basic processes.
The course concentrates on Mathematics which can be applied to contexts related to other curriculum subjects and topics that relate to home, work and leisure situations. The course includes project work: students must produce a project, a piece of written work based on personal research, guided and supervised by the teacher.
The course covers pure Mathematics and some Statistics and Probability. There is no Mechanics or Decision Mathematics. Below is a brief list of the topic areas that will be covered:
Students complete a project that involves approximately twenty five hours of work in the classroom and at home.
A variety of teaching and learning methods will be used during the course. For example, there will be opportunities for whole group discussions, working through examples and exercises, note taking and problem solving. Graphic calculators are used.
Internal tests will be set regularly throughout the course. There will be major internal exams at the end of the first year.
The Math Project, a project that is developed over the course, is also assessed internally and moderated by external examiners. The project, which is worth 20% of the overall assessment, will be an individual piece of work taking about 25 hours to complete. It will involve the collection and/or generation of data and the analysis and evaluation of that data.
External assessment is by examinations that are taken at the end of the two years:
The IB Biology course provides a body of knowledge on basic biological topics and some recent advances. It is hoped students will acquire scientific facts, terminology and methods of presenting scientific information and, at the same time, develop a broad, general understanding of the principles of Biology together with experimental and investigative scientific skills.
Throughout the course there will be emphasis on understanding the living world at all levels of organization, from the cell and its molecular structure to the interactions between living organisms and the environment that form the ecosystem dynamics.
Apart from the theory taught in class, the course includes a large proportion of practical experimental work in the form of activities or investigations.
1. Theory:
There are 6 core topics for both Standard and Higher Level students:
Additionally, there are 5 topics for Higher Level students only (AHL):
Students must also study 1 further option. The option would be chosen among the topics: Neurobiology and Behaviour, Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, Ecology and Conservation or Human physiology. Higher Level students have additional material in each option.
2. Practical Work:
Different investigations and activities will be carried out during the two-year course. These may include in-class activities, short experiments and experimental projects in the lab, computer simulations, analysis and processing of data from databases, data gathering through questionnaires or surveys and fieldwork.
Students’ progress will be continuously evaluated on the basis of class participation, diligence and performance in written assignments, quizzes and revision tests. Written work is assessed against criteria specified by the IB.
The final Diploma grade in the subject is determined by two assessment components:
Internal assessment: Individual investigation and Group 4 Project
This component is internally assessed by the subject teacher and externally moderated by the IBO. The grade awarded comprises20% of the final IB Diploma grade. It consists of an Individual investigation and an interdisciplinary science project, known as the Group 4 project.
The individual investigation is a scientific investigation performed by the student on a topic covered by the course. The assessment of the investigation will be based on 6 criteria including personal engagement, exploration, analysis, evaluation and communication. It should be 6-12 pages long.
The Group 4 project is a collaborative experience where concepts across the Group 4 science disciplines are shared. Students choose a broad topic that will then be investigated in each of the science disciplines. The emphasis is on the sharing of ideas, on the planning of investigations and on working successfully within a team.
External assessment: Written examinations
The final written examination takes place in May of the second year and comprises 80% of the final IB Diploma grade. It is externally assessed by the IBO.
It consists of 3 papers:
Paper 1: multiple–choice questions testing core topics for SL students and both core and AHL topics for HL students.
Paper 2: Data-based and short-answer questions plus one extended response question from a choice of two at SL and two extended response questions from a choice of three at HL on the same topics as paper 1.
Paper 3: Short-answer questions based on experimental skills and techniques, analysis and evaluation on experimental data in section A, along with short-answer and extended-response questions from one option in section B.
Biology is required for a carrier in medicine, paramedical services, veterinary medicine, nursing, dietetics, pharmacy, biotechnology, psychology, food and drugs industry, agriculture, conservation, environmental studies, teaching or performing experimental research. Various areas of research in biology are extremely challenging and many discoveries remain to be made!
Most universities offer courses in Biology and related subjects such as molecular and cell biology, genetics, applied biology, ecology, marine biology, human biology, physiology, biochemistry, zoology, environmental science and many others.
Biology is also a very worthwhile subject for those not intending to follow a scientific carrier because it provides knowledge of how our body functions and how it interacts with the environment and other living organisms. It is important to be aware of these interactions at a time when a growing human population is placing a great pressure on food supplies and on habitats of other species, threatening the planet we live on.
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