
What is the IBDP

The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) is a two-year program that corresponds to the 11th and 12th grade Lykeion and prepares students for entry to the best universities all over the world. Students are able to enter the IB program upon completion of the 10th grade (1st grade Lykeion). The IB Diploma is also fully equivalent to the Greek high school diploma (Law 2327, 1995).
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Νέες Υποτροφίες στο Κολλέγιο Ανατόλια για την Α' Γυμνασίου

Published in 2014

Θεσσαλονίκη, 17 Απριλίου 2014

Νέες Υποτροφίες στο Κολλέγιο Ανατόλια

για τη χρονιά 2014 – 2015 για μαθητές Α΄ Γυμνασίου

Πιστό στον μη κερδοσκοπικό του χαρακτήρα και στην αποστολή του να καταστήσει ακόμη πιο προσιτή την εκπαίδευση υψηλού επιπέδου, το Κολλέγιο Ανατόλια διευρύνει το Πρόγραμμα Υποτροφιών του προσφέροντας νέες υποτροφίες για τη σχολική χρονιά 2014 - 2015. Η απονομή υποτροφιών είναι συνυφασμένη με την ιστορία του Κολλεγίου από τα πρώτα χρόνια της ίδρυσής του, ωστόσο το Πρόγραμμα Υποτροφιών με τη σημερινή του μορφή δημιουργήθηκε τη δεκαετία του ΄60. Έκτοτε και μέχρι σήμερα, έχουν απονεμηθεί περισσότερες από 1.000 υποτροφίες, ενώ μόνο για τη σχολική χρονιά 2013 – 2014 περισσότεροι από 200 μαθητές στο Γυμνάσιο και Λύκειο, φοιτούν με ολικές ή μερικές υποτροφίες.

Υποτροφίες διδάκτρων

Συγκεκριμένα θα απονεμηθούν:

•        Έως έξι (6) υποτροφίες διδάκτρων σε ποσοστό από 75% έως 100%

•        Έως δεκαέξι (16) υποτροφίες διδάκτρων σε ποσοστό 25% έως 75%

Για την απονομή των παραπάνω υποτροφιών θα ληφθούν υπόψη και  εισοδηματικά κριτήρια.

•        Δεκαπέντε (15) τιμητικές υποτροφίες διδάκτρων σε ποσοστό 10%. Οι δεκαπέντε πρώτοι σε βαθμολογία μαθητές δικαιούνται τιμητική υποτροφία 10% ανεξαρτήτως οικογενειακού εισοδήματος.

Οι εξετάσεις εισαγωγής/ υποτροφιών διδάκτρων θα διεξαχθούν στο Κολλέγιο Ανατόλια το Σάββατο 3 Μαΐου 2014 (Ελληνικά, Μαθηματικά, Αγγλικά).

Αιτήσεις συμμετοχής – πληροφορίες: Γραμματεία του 1ου Γυμνασίου του Κολλεγίου Ανατόλια, τηλ. 2310 398 357, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. www.anatolia.edu.gr/scholarships

Υποτροφίες διδάκτρων και τροφείων

Σε μαθητές που κατοικούν στις περιοχές της Δυτικής Μακεδονίας, της Θεσσαλίας, του νομού Λακωνίας και της νήσου Λέσβου θα απονεμηθούν πέντε (5) υποτροφίες διδάκτρων και τροφείων (για τη διαμονή στο οικοτροφείο του Ανατόλια) σε ποσοστό έως 100%. 

Για την απονομή των παραπάνω υποτροφιών θα ληφθούν υπόψη και  εισοδηματικά κριτήρια.

Οι εξετάσεις για τις υποτροφίες διδάκτρων και τροφείων για μαθητές που φοιτούν σε σχολεία της  Δυτικής Μακεδονίας, Θεσσαλίας, Λακωνίας και Λέσβου θα διεξαχθούν στην Κοζάνη, Καρδίτσα, Σπάρτη και  Μυτιλήνη, αντίστοιχα, το Σάββατο 10 Μαΐου 2014 (Ελληνικά & Μαθηματικά)

Αιτήσεις συμμετοχής – πληροφορίες: Γραφείο Υποτροφιών του Κολλεγίου Ανατόλια, τηλ. 2310 398 249, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. www.anatolia.edu.gr/scholarships

Το Αμερικανικό Κολλέγιο Ανατόλια είναι ένας μη κερδοσκοπικός εκπαιδευτικός οργανισμός με μακρά παράδοση και προσφορά σε όλες τις βαθμίδες της εκπαίδευσης. Ιδρύθηκε το 1886 στη Μερζιφούντα του Πόντου και το 1924 εγκαταστάθηκε στη Θεσσαλονίκη. Ταυτισμένο με την αριστεία, τις πρωτοποριακές εκπαιδευτικές δράσεις και το υψηλό διδακτικό επίπεδο το Κολλέγιο Ανατόλια έχει αναδειχθεί σε εκπαιδευτικό κέντρο με πανελλήνια και διεθνή αναγνώριση. Ο εκπαιδευτικός οργανισμός διατηρεί ένα από τα μεγαλύτερα προγράμματα υποτροφιών στην Ελλάδα όπως και ένα πολύπτυχο πρόγραμμα δράσεων κοινωνικής προσφοράς.  


Friends' Association

Published in English

About the Association of Friends of Anatolia College

The Association of Friends of Anatolia College (AFAC) was founded in 1985. It is a nonprofit association founded in the public interest which, through the organization of social, cultural and educational events and through efforts to secure donations and sponsorships, seeks to provide moral and financial support for Anatolia College and contributes both to the continuation of the school's educational and social offerings, and to the growth of its scholarship funds.

Its members - parents, teachers or just friends - have generously offered their valuable time and financial support for the past 38 years by working together in order to materialize the Association's goals. All members are united by their love for Anatolia College and its high ideals and by their belief in the value of the educational work that is accomplished on the campus of nonprofit educational institution.

The current Board of the Association is comprised of:


Katsarka Petioula

A' Vice President

Bika Christina

B' Vice President

Salousto Elena

General Secretary

Berberidis Athanasios

Special Secretary

Doras Georgios


Tsiotskas Gregorios


Andritsos Dimitrios

Chasapi-Pentzos Kyriaki-Maria (Mara)

Gouletsa-Alexopoulou Efthymia

Parisakis Nikolaos

Kapeti-Stylianou Anneta


To join or to contribute to The Association of Friends of Anatolia College, please contact:

Ms. Marina Charitopoulou
Event Planning & Digital Communications Officer
Institutional Advancement
Anatolia College
P.O. Box 21021
555 35 Pylea, Greece
T: 2310 398-220
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Fill in the membership application form here.


Alumni Associations

Published in English

We encourage all alumni to become contributing members of the following associations in Thessaloniki and Athens:


IBDP Scholarships

Published in IBDP English

The school’s scholarship program ensures that worthy Greek and international students, regardless of financial circumstance, may enrol in the Anatolia & Pinewood IBDP, either as day students or in our long-standing boarding school.

How could I apply for an IBDP scholarship?

When applying for entry to the IBDP, you simply declare your wish to participate in the IBDP scholarship exam by completing the corresponding section of the application. In the space provided, you should choose the type of scholarship that you wish to compete for and, if required, submit additional documents. Applying for an IBDP scholarship assumes that the student is able to participate in the scholarship exam in person. The scholarship exam is scheduled for Saturday, May 10th, 2025.

Who is eligible to apply for an IBDP scholarship

Students who have demonstrated excellent academic performance in grades 9 and 10, satisfying one of the criteria listed below, are eligible to apply for a scholarship:

  • An average grade of “A” (90% or above) or equivalent, in an international school
  • An IB MYP average of 6 (out of 7) or above in an international school
  • An average of 18.5 or above in the 3rd form of Greek Gymnasio (9th grade), 18.1 and above in the first semester in the 1st form of Greek Lykeio (10th grade)

There may be some additional criteria regarding financial income, depending on the category they wish to be considered within (see below).

Anatolia students already on scholarship who meet the scholarship conditions DO NOT need to take part in the IBDP scholarship exams, because their scholarship percentage will automatically be transferred to the IB. They just need to inform the Scholarship and Enrollment Coordinator of their intention to continue their studies in the IBDP.

Students whose tuition is paid by a third party are eligible to take part in the exam and receive an honorary scholarship without tuition reduction.

Students who are currently attending either Anatolia or Pinewood as full pay students are only eligible for the merit-based scholarships.

What does the IBDP scholarship exam procedure involve?

The procedure involves an initial stage comprised of a written exam in both English (one-hour essay) and Mathematics (see here the prior learning requirements for the Mathematics examination). Those who achieve the best scores proceed to an interview with the Scholarship Committee. After the completion of this second stage, the Committee decides upon and announces the scholarships awarded, taking into consideration:

  • The student’s grades in 9th grade (3rd form of Greek Gymnasio) and 10th grade (1st form of Greek Lykeio)
  • The student’s scores in the IBDP scholarship exams
  • The student’s interests, motivation and other traits of her/his personality as portrayed during the interview
  • Financial criteria (for scholarships of 25% and above)
  • The Scholarship Committee reserves the right to visit the place of residence of candidates applying for a scholarship from 75% up to 100%

Students who succeed in the above mentioned stages, as well as their guardians, are asked to accept or turn down the scholarship within a few days after the announcement of the results.

The procedure is the same for all categories of scholarships.

What kinds of scholarships do we offer?

Two kinds of scholarships are offered:

a) Scholarships that cover from 25% up to 100% of the annual tuition fees of the Program and are dependent upon both financial and academic criteria. More specifically:

  • Students with an annual family income that does not exceed a total of 26,000 euros may be awarded a scholarship that covers 100% of the tuition fees.
  • Students with an annual family income that does not exceed a total of 36,000 euros may be awarded a scholarship up to 75% of the tuition fees.
  • Students with an annual family income that does not exceed a total of 60,000 euros may be awarded a scholarship that covers from 25% to 50% of the tuition fees.

The Scholarship Committee reserves the right to visit the place of residence of candidates applying for a scholarship from 75% up to 100%.

Those who are interested in applying for scholarship under this category must submit, along with the necessary entrance-application documents, the following:

  • Copies of the “Ekatharistiko” (receipt of tax declarations submitted) issued by the Ministry of Finance for the tax declarations of the past two years, as well as a copy of the most recent property declaration (E9).
  • A letter from the parent/guardian of the candidate justifying the family’s financial situation and difficulties in covering the tuition fees and stating the amount of scholarship needed to allow the student’s attendance on the IB program.

b) Scholarships that cover the amount of 10% of the annual tuition fees of the Program and are not based on any financial need. These scholarships serve as an acknowledgement of the student’s academic achievements and abilities. Those who are interested in being considered for this award should simply state it on their entrance application to the Program. They do not need to submit any further documents.

When do I have to apply?

Candidates must submit the necessary documents along with their application for enrolment to the program before the deadline, which is May 2nd, 2025.

Scholarships are awarded initially for one year. They are renewed at the end of the first academic year only if the student has maintained the required grade average (36/42) and the financial status of the family has not changed.

The 2025 scholarship examination is scheduled to take place on Saturday, May 10th, 2025.

For more information you may contact the IBDP Office at: 2310 398296.


What is the IBDP

Published in IBDP English

The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) is a two-year program that corresponds to the 11th and 12th grade Lykeion and prepares students for entry to the best universities all over the world. Students are able to enter the IB program upon completion of the 10th grade (1st grade Lykeion). The IB Diploma is also fully equivalent to the Greek high school diploma (Law 2327, 1995).


President's Message

Published in About

panosblaxosWelcome to Anatolia, a welcoming, inclusive and vibrant international learning community!

Anatolia is a private nonprofit American educational institution. It is in many respects a remarkable and unique institution with a history extending over 130 years. Its integrated educational community features:

  • An elementary school (Pre-K to Grade 6)
  • A Greek high school offering extensive instruction in English
  • An International Baccalaureate world school in which all instruction is conducted in English
  • Pinewood American International School, which offers primary and secondary education (from pre-K to grade 12) in an exclusively English-speaking environment
  • A US-accredited and EU-validated college – called ACT (The American College of Thessaloniki) – offering Bachelor’s and Master's degrees in a variety of fields
  • A Lifelong Learning Center at ACT that provides new knowledge and skills to graduates and professionals
  • The Center for Talented Youth, in collaboration with Johns Hopkins University
  • A bilingual program for young learners

All of these divisions, centers and programs are offered among others on our beautiful forty-five acre campus on the road to the scenic suburb of Panorama above the metropolis of Thessaloniki, Greece’s second largest city.

Anatolia has been in existence since 1886. It has faced every type of adversity, endured three wars, been forced to change location three times, including a move from Asia Minor to Greece in 1924. The school has overcome all of these setbacks to emerge as a strong and vibrant international center of learning preparing young men and women for the challenges of the 21st century. Anatolia is currently the home to approximately 4500 students. It not only provides to students a strong foundation for the academic and professional world but also prepares them for global citizenship.

Together with the Board of Trustees, the students, faculty, staff and alumni of Anatolia, I take great pride in welcoming you to our academic community, and I invite you to learn more about the ways and means through which you might also become a part of the Anatolia legacy.

Dr. Panos Vlachos


Mission & Values

Published in English

Anatolia College is an integrated academic community committed to developing students’ talents through innovative educational approaches and open inquiry within a culture of academic excellence. We instill a heightened sense of social responsibility, in an environment that nurtures the ethical, creative and physical development of young people.

We aim to be the school of choice irrespective of financial circumstance and strive to instill in our students the drive to excel in their personal, professional and social attainment.

We aspire for all Anatolia students:

  • to immerse themselves in a culture of educational excellence, focused on innovation, creativity, critical thinking, leadership, and the development of talents.
  • to develop personal integrity, intellectual vitality, discipline and respect for themselves and others.
  • to engage energetically and cooperatively in the life of the school as well as society, valuing the rich diversity of belief and experience.

We strive to:

  • instill in all students the desire to seek understanding of themselves and the larger world through open inquiry and critical thinking.
  • engage and develop talented, well-trained and passionate faculty committed to educational excellence.
  • impact society by building valued partnerships through the engagement of the wider community by sharing best practices and promoting social responsible actions and initiatives.
  • create a school environment in which all stakeholders (management, teaching and administrative staff, parents, alumni) share a common mission and operate in an open environment based on clear rules, mutual respect and cooperation.
  • foster lasting bonds among faculty, staff, and students, which encourage a culture of integrity, self-reliance, and collegiality and instill a sense of responsibility for each other and for the broader world.
  • create a learning environment that maximizes human potential, cultivates civic awareness, instills respect for the environment and promotes health, while enhancing the understanding among the peoples of Greece and the United States in a safe and secure
  • provide to the maximum possible number of promising students the opportunity of becoming part of the Anatolia community, irrespective of their financial ability thus attracting students from diverse economic and cultural backgrounds creating a community
    rich in diversity.
  • demonstrate a consistent balance of operational efficiency and educational effectiveness thus securing the financial strength of the organization by being a role model of sound management in a not-for-profit context.

Institutional Description

Published in English

Since its founding in 1886, the name of Anatolia has been synonymous with educational innovation and achievement. Located in Thessaloniki, Greece since 1924, Anatolia College is a private, non-profit, international learning community imbued with the best ideals of Greek and American education. As one of the leading few institutions that offer quality education from pre-K all the way to graduate studies, Anatolia prepares eager learners from all over the world for the challenges of professional life and beyond, through its various academic divisions.

More specifically, Anatolia College comprises:

  • Anatolia Elementary School, serving primary education from Pre-K to grade 6.
  • Anatolia High School, which consists of two Middle and two High Schools, alongside the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) that prepares students for university studies worldwide.
  • Pinewood American International School, which serves as a bridge with the international community and offers primary and secondary education (from pre-K to grade 12) in an exclusively English-speaking environment.
  • ACT, its US-NECHE accredited and EU validated tertiary division, an institution of higher learning offering Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in a variety of fields, alongside an Entrepreneurship Hub and a Lifelong Learning Center.
  • CTΥ Greece (Center for Talented Youth), which provides enhanced educational opportunities to bright students from Greece and the Southeastern European region, and is the result of the strategic partnership of Anatolia College, the Stavros Niarchos Foundation and Johns Hopkins University.

Our modern, well-equipped buildings sit on an expansive campus, where we provide high caliber instruction.

As an integrated academic community, we are committed to developing students’ talents through innovative educational approaches and open inquiry within a culture of academic excellence. We instill a heightened sense of social responsibility, in an environment that nurtures ethical, creative and physical development.



Published in English
Institutional Leadership - President's Cabinet
Dr. Panos Vlachos – President
Peter Chresanthakes – Vice President for Institutional Advancement
Theodore Filaretos – Vice President for Primary & Secondary Education
Pavlos Floros – Vice President for Finance & Human Resources / CFO
Dr. Roxanne Giampapa - Vice President for International School / Head of School, Pinewood
Dr. Stamos Karamouzis – Vice President for Academic Affairs / Provost, ACT
Yanis Tsorbatzoglou – Chief Operating Officer for Planning & Innovation and Vice President for Cross Divisional Programs 
Coordinator of the President's Cabinet: Elena Charalabides
Institutional Contacts
Stella Christou - Budget Coordinator
Alexia Dara - Boarding Department Director
Nikos Gialoglou - Procurement Coordinator
Giorgos Kyriafinis - Director of Buildings & Grounds
Vasilis Karkampounas - IT Director
Alma Soulioti - Payroll Manager
Natasa Kotanidou - HR Director
Iro Koliakou - STEM Coordinator
Maria Kyparissopoulou - Development Director, Boston Office
Valerie Phillos - Controller, Boston Office
Eleni Papadopoulou - Chief Accountant
Theodore Papanestoros - Executive Director of Institutional Marketing & PK-12 Enrollment
Aggeliki Sapika - Development Director Europe
Korina Theodoridou - High School Scholarship and Enrollment Coordinator
Prokopis Tsitsios - Director of Security and Cleaning Services
Evi Tramantza - Director of Libraries and Archives
 Anatolia Elementary School
Maria Proestopoulos - Anatolia Elementary School Principal
Elena Kota - Kindergarten Principal
Lena Markoudi - Administrative Director
Maria Akritidou - Head of Department of Psychological Services
 Anatolia High School
Stelios Axarlis – Dean of 1st Lykeion
Ioanna Tsitsikli – Dean of 2nd Lykeion
Elsa Exidaveloni – Dean of 1st Gymnasium
Kallirroi Stamati – Dean of 2nd Gymnasium
Helen Hondropoulos – Head of English Department
Dora Papoutsi - MYP Coordinator
Anna Billi-Petmeza – Coordinator of International Baccalaureate
Georgia Proestopoulos – Director of University Advising
Leda Antoniou – Student Services Director
Maria Akritidou - Head of Department of Psychological Services
 ACT - American College of Thessaloniki
Dr. Stamos Karamouzis - Vice President for Academic Affairs | ACT Provost
Dr. Grigoris Baglavas – Associate Dean for Administration and Academic and Student Affairs
Dr. Nikos Hourvouliadis – Chair of Business School
Dr. Sevasti Kessapidou - Associate Dean of Academic Affairs | Director, Life Long Learning Center
Dr. Maria Kyriakidou – Chair, Humanities & Social Sciences Division
George Kokkas - Director of Entrepreneurship Hub
Roula Lebetli – Director of Admissions
Manolis Maou - Chair, Science and Technology Division | Associate Dean of Enrollment
Heather Funk Theodoridi – Director of International Program Office & Student Services
Dr. David Wisner - Executive Director of Dukakis Center
Pinewood - American International School
Dr. Roxanne Giampapa - Vice President for International School | Head of School, Pinewood
Cathy van de Ha - Business Manager
Dimitris Terzidis - IB Coordinator
Anastasia Panidou- Early Years & Elementary Principal
Apostolos Rofaelas- Middles & High School Principal / AP Coordinator
Nikos Tsachtanis- Facilities Manager
CTY Greece
Dr. Georgia Tsoulfa - Director of CTY Greece
Dr. Haido Samara - CTY Greece Academic Dean
Ancillary Academic Programs
Irini Trousa – Director, Testing Office
Elena Apostolidou – Director, Bridge & Bilingual Program
Anastasia Papadopoulou - Coordinator, Anatolia Elementary School Afterschool Programs & Rainbow Program


Published in English

Anatolia College Board of Trustees

The Board of Anatolia College utilizes a committee structure to undertake its work. Board committees provide an organizational platform to deal with specific issues that require specialized areas of expertise. Committee charters outline the duties, responsibilities and expectations of the committee. Committees of the board are expected to be accountable for making timely reports to the full board.

Standing Committees 2023-2024

Panos Vlachos - Staff Coordinator / Liaison
Chip Elfner, Chair
Kennie Bissell Grogan, Vice Chair
Jack Florentin '66, Vice Chair
Robert DeNormandie, Treasurer
John Hemenway, Assistant Treasurer
David Weil, Clerk
Constantinos Constantinidis '81
Nick Elfner
Stathis Georgiadis '75
Vassilis Kafatos '86
Nestor Nicholas
Markos Papageorgiou
Charis Plakantonaki '97
Irina Taka '95


Peter Chresanthakes - Staff Coordinator / Liaison
Irina Taka '95, Co-Chair
David Weil, Co-Chair
Peter Allen
Lambros Anagnostopoulos
Constantinos Constantinidis '81
Gregory Gallopoulos
Kennie Bissell Grogan
John Hemenway
Evelyn Moreno
Glykeria Tsernou '89
Theodore Filaretos - Staff Coordinator / Liaison
Vassilis Kafatos '86, Chair
Leonidas Evangelidis '53
Jack Florentin '66
Stathis Georgiadis '75
Angelos Papaioannou '69
Loukia Saranti
Irina Taka '95
Vassos Efthymiadis '90*
Theodore Filaretos - Staff Coordinator / Liaison
Constantinos Constantinidis '81, Chair
Irina Taka '95, Vice Chair
Yannis Assael '08
Leonidas Evangelidis '53
Jack Florentin '66
Stathis Georgiadis '75
Kennie Bissell Grogan
Loukia Saranti
Glykeria Tsernou '89
Thrasyvoulos Makios '00*
Roxanne Giampapa - Staff Coordinator / Liaison
Theodore Filaretos - Staff Member
Jack Florentin '66, Chair
Consul General Jerry Ismail* (member ex-officio)
Nick Elfner
Angelos Papaioannou '69
Irina Taka '95
Glykeria Tsernou '89
Athanasios Kouimtzis*
Nikolaos K. Margaropoulos '82*
Elpida Rouka '95*
Stamos Karamouzis - Staff Coordinator / Liaison
Markos Papageorgiou, Chair
Lambros Anagnostopoulos
Dimos Arhodidis '87
Yannis Assael '08
Anastasia Economos
Gregory Gallopoulos
Anna Greka '93
Vassilis Kafatos '86
Steven Levy
Charis Plakantonaki '97
Yanis Tsorbatzoglou - Staff Coordinator / Liaison
David Weil, Chair
Yannis Assael '08
Maria Behrakis
Constantinos Constantinidis '81
Nick Elfner
Charis Plakantonaki '97
Peter Chresanthakes - Staff Coordinator / Liaison
Kennie Bissell Grogan, Chair
Peter Allen
Dimos Arhodidis '87
Caroline Bissell
Jack Florentin '66
Peggy Trethewey
David Weil
Peter Chresanthakes - Staff Coordinator / Liaison
Dimos Arhodidis '87, Chair
Irina Taka '95
Glykeria Tsernou '89
Charis Plakantonaki '97
Leonidas Evangelidis '53
Peter Chresanthakes - Staff Coordinator / Liaison
Kennie Bissell Grogan, Chair
Maria Behrakis
Madeline Demoulas
Peggy Trethewey
Pavlos Floros - Staff Coordinator / Liaison
Robert DeNormandie, Chair
David Weil, Vice Chair
Dimos Arhodidis '87
Caroline Bissell
Anastasia Economos
Jack Florentin '66
Gikas Hardouvelis '74
Vassilis Kafatos '86
Glykeria Tsernou '89
Pavlos Floros - Staff Coordinator / Liaison
John Hemenway, Chair
David Weil
Robert DeNormandie
Anastasia Economos
Nestor Nicholas
Antonis Markou*
Pavlos Floros - Staff Coordinator / Liaison
Nick Elfner, Chair
George Allamanis* '91, Vice Chair
Steven Levy
Stavros Constantinidis '14*
Ben Faucett*
Yanis Tsorbatzoglou - Staff Coordinator / Liaison
Stathis Georgiadis '75, Chair
Lambros Anagnostopoulos
Notis Bernitsas
Leonidas Evangelidis '53
Markos Papageorgiou
Eddy Castro* '64
Tassos Georgantzis '99*
Ioannis Rentzeperis* '77
Konstantinos Tarabanis*
Emy Zoumpoulidou '88*
Yanis Tsorbatzoglou - Staff Coordinator / Liaison
Charis Plakantonaki '97, Chair
Peter Allen
Lambros Anagnostopoulos
Dimos Arhodidis '87
Madeline Demoulas
Jack Florentin
Stathis Georgiadis '75
Gikas Hardouvels '74
Steven Levy
Peggy Trethewey
Maria Behrakis, Chair
Yannis Assael '08
Kennie Bissell Grogan
Eva Douzinas
Peggy Trethewey
*Non-Trustee Committee Member
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555 35 Pylea, Thessaloniki
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