
What is the IBDP

The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) is a two-year program that corresponds to the 11th and 12th grade Lykeion and prepares students for entry to the best universities all over the world. Students are able to enter the IB program upon completion of the 10th grade (1st grade Lykeion). The IB Diploma is also fully equivalent to the Greek high school diploma (Law 2327, 1995).
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The use of digital technology in the classroom

Published in Seminars and Workshops

The workshop was structured along three axes that included Advanced Internet Searching (tools, strategies and search techniques for finding and retrieving educational material and open educational resources including copyright issues), Educational utilization of Virtual and Augmented Reality and Learning Design (Use of online scenario creation tools, innovative teaching strategies and techniques (inverted classroom/flipped classroom, use of video games in the classroom, concept maps, playful assessment, Artificial Intelligence, etc.)


Contemporary trends in teaching Greek (i.e. Ancient Greek) abroad

Published in Seminars and Workshops

This workshop was provided by Dr. Andromache Karanika, Associate Professor of Classics at the University of California, Irvine, USA.

Greek (i.e. Ancient Greek) is taught in most universities abroad as a foreign language course, which still remains encompassed in the core program of humanities. During the workshop we focused on the challenges of teaching ancient Greek as well as on the most recent methods and strategies, which aim at developing cognitive skills, often in collaboration with centers of excellence and innovation (e.g. https://dtei.uci.edu). Participants became aware of how the Society for Classical Studies and other associations of classical philologists are energetically involved in a meaningful dialogue on the future and the perspectives of teaching classical languages ​​(and studies). Greek language is taught as a channel of civilization, while emphasis is placed on cultivating cognitive skills which can enrich the learning experiences in the contemporary world. 


From anthropology to self-awareness through teaching Homeric epics in translation: Theory and practice

Published in Seminars and Workshops

This workshop was provided by Dr. Andromache Karanika, Associate Professor of Classics at the University of California, Irvine, USA.

From the first half of the twentieth century onwards, when the theory of the oral origins of epic poetry gradually began to gain ground through studies examining the genre from a comparative perspective, the majority of researchers began to consider epic poetry as a medium of expressing complex social processes. Questionable human behaviors are recorded in homeric epic poetry. Exploiting the concept of game and gamification (παιδιά) we discussed how the examination of ancient Greek sources (e.g. the sixth rhapsody of Odyssey) can reveal to us an ancient game theory as long as concrete ways that help us to analyze more constructively the texts we teach in translation. On the other hand, we emphasized the perspective of enhancing creativity through ancient sources. We traced the process from reading to creation, from Homer to modern writers, who get inspired thematically and structurally from antiquity contributing to a modern renaissance in creative writing and imagery.


Learning skills

Published in Seminars and Workshops

Foreign language teachers attended a workshop on teaching learning skills. These specific skills are cultivated within the Middle Years Program (MYP) and throughout the school curriculum. They include research, communication, critical and creative thinking, organizational, and social skills. The workshop focused on ways of cultivating these skills at every level and the corresponding teaching practices.


Botany workshop

Published in Seminars and Workshops

The importance of Botany, the rich Greek flora and the connection of Botany with environmental education was the focus of the training addressed to Biology teachers. The workshop took place in the Biology lab of the Anna Papageorgiou STEM Center and participants received practical ideas on how they can integrate Botany and its concepts into their curriculum.


Yoga in class

Published in Seminars and Workshops

Physical Education teachers attended an interesting training workshop on the basic principles of teaching hatha yoga, the energy centers chakras, the analysis of positions, and sun salutations. The workshop included ways to teach the basic asana positions, pranayama breathing techniques and guided relaxation, meditation and visualization, with an aim of incorporating parts of it in their own teaching.


Professional Development for Educators

Published in Kassandra

The Center for Educational Excellence (CEE) of Anatolia College aims to broaden the educational map of Anatolia College and the wider educational community with innovative learning and research approaches. The establishment of the Center and its activities are supported by a generous donor.

In the academic year 2021-2022, the Center promoted actions related to the thematic pillars of professional development and well-being, so that educators fulfill their academic duties in a balanced way and in a positive environment.  

Apart from specific training workshops, there were other training opportunities, as well as participation in research programs. The aim of the Center is to get educators acquainted with up-to-date educational approaches, in order to make everyday life in the school environment more interesting, participatory, and supportive for everyone.

Your active involvement in initiatives supported by the Center, as well as your feedback after participation is crucial for the achievement of its mission. For this reason, we would be happy to know your opinion, ideas, and suggestions.

You may contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


About us

Published in Kassandra


The Kassandra Center for Educational Excellence aims to transform the educational landscape in Greece and the greater region by inspiring educators to innovate, research, teach and learn so as to advance educational equity and excellence for the benefit of the broader academic community.


The Kassandra Center for Educational Excellence aspires to become a reference point and resource for excellence in education at an institutional and regional level. It aims to empower educators to engage in innovative teaching strategies grounded in educational research and its emergent advancements which encompass both the academic and the socioemotional well-being of students.

Stemming from a strong sense of purpose that 21st century student needs should be met holistically, the Center will promote a culture of educational innovation, continuous professional growth, and academic excellence by:

  1. Exploring and implementing new teaching and learning approaches, programs, and resources aimed at preparing students to engage as confident global citizens.
  2. Facilitating innovation in teaching and scholarship through faculty development programs.
  3. Disseminating best practices to the broader educational community through research and collaboration with leading regional and global partners.
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How to apply

The Anatolia & Pinewood IB Diploma program accepts applications for the 2024-25 school year from February 1st until...


The IB Diploma Programme educational model is represented with a circular design, emphasising its holistic and integrated nature...

IBDP Handbook & Regulations

Click on the links below to read the following IB regulations: IBDP Handbook IBO Regulations Academic Integrity Policy Assessment Policy Inclusive Access Arrangements...


Greek  Ms. Eleni GoniBA, Modern Greek Literature, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,MA, Social Anthropology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki   Dr. Ivi KazantziBA...

University Placement

University Placement of Anatolia IB graduates, 2023 University Placement of Top 100 Anatolia IB graduates IB Anatolia graduates - Placement...

Tuition Payment Information

Please be informed that the financial services of Anatolia College (accounting and cashier's office) will not be available...


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