

300 students from Greece and abroad were hosted at the 3rd Anatolia Model United Nations conference. The convention began at 9..00 on Friday, 22nd  February, where speeches were made by the President of the college, Mr. R Jackson, and by Dr Dimitri Keridis, Professor at the Univerity ofMacedonia ,as well as the student Secretary General of the conference, Panagiotis Progios, IB2.

Anatolia students sang 3 beautiful songs, and the topics for the committee debates were presented in the form of a video compiled by alumnus Konstantinos Spiliakos, ’04. President of the General Assembly, Konstandinos Vavelidis 6A/B, then declared the opening of the conference

The conference was carried out in the style of MUN that is followed at Harvard, with a Speakers’ list, and an emphasis on debate, discussion and compromise. Students were divided into committees to discuss issues of international importance, such as War Crimes and Impunity and Globalization. The student delegates had all prepared themselves well and there were many fruitful debates.

Several Anatolia alumni were present to help with the running of the conference: Ellie Melliou ’06 and Katerina Kourbeti ’07 were Committee Directors and on the Organizing Committee: Konstantinos Spiliakos, Christos Kyriakopoulos and  Dimitris Liolis '06. Miltiades Alamanis ‘06 was the Chief of Technical Staff.

All the participants were impressed by the high standard that was set in terms of technology and organization, and everyone is looking forward to ACMUN 2009.
