
Trustee Directory

Allen, Peter S.

Board Governance Committee; Long-Range Planning Committee; Institutional Advancement Committee

Board Member since 1987
Dr. Peter S. Allen retired from Rhode Island College in 2014 after 42 years of teaching and is now Professor Emeritus of Anthropology. He specializes in the study of modern Greek society and has published numerous articles on the topic. Research awards include three Fulbrights, a large NEH grant and several other grants and fellowships. Dr. Allen has been active in many professional organizations. He served as Treasurer and Vice-President of the Modern Greek Studies Association, Treasurer and President of the Society for the Anthropology of Europe (a sub-group of the American Anthropological Association), and has held various offices, including President, in the local chapter of the Archaeological Institute of America. In collaboration with Nikiforos Diamandouros, Dr. Allen produced a bibliographic newsletter, Modern Greek Society, for more than 20 years and served as Editor of the Journal of Modern Greek Studies for three years (2007-2010). He also serves on editorial boards of several publications, including the Cyprus Review. Dr. Allen is a trustee of the College Year in Athens (an independent study abroad program) and trustee of the Public Archaeology Laboratory of Pawtucket, RI. He served a six-year term (1992-1997) on the Rhode Island Committee for the Humanities and four years on the Executive Board of the American Anthropological Association (2003-2007). Dr. Allen received a BA from Middlebury College (1966), an MA in archaeology from Brown University (1968), and a PhD in anthropology, also from Brown University (1973).

Anagnostopoulos, Lambros G.

Board Governance Committee; ACT Oversight Committee; Facilities Committee; Long-Range Planning Committee

Board Member since 2003
Lambros G. Anagnostopoulos led the 2011 recapitalization and serves as CEO of the London Stock Exchange (AIM)-listed SECURE Property Development and Investment Plc (SPDI), an income producing property company currently active in Romania, Bulgaria, Greece and Ukraine. In 2007, he founded SECURE Investments, a private equity platform investing in property projects in the same region. In 2000, he set up LAMDA Development, a real estate developer listed on the Athens Stock Exchange, where he served as CEO and Director from the company’s inception until June 2006. In parallel, he was party to setting up GRIVALIA (then EFG Properties), the leading Greek REIT, listed on the ASE, where he served as the Vice Chairman of the board until 2007. In the 1990’s Mr. Anagnostopoulos was an executive of the Latsis Group, based in Geneva, Switzerland, where, among others, he was director of the Group’s business planning. Between 1988 and 1992, Mr. Anagnostopoulos worked as a management consultant with Pugh-Roberts Associates, a division of PA Consulting Group, in the USA and Great Britain. He is a graduate in naval architecture, marine and mechanical engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (1986) and received post-graduate degrees in shipping at MIT (1988) and in management from the MIT Sloan School of Management (1989).

Arhodidis, Dimosthenis

ACT Oversight; Finance; Institutional Advancement; Institutional Advancement Regional Subcommittee - Greece - Chair; Long-Range Planning

Board Member since 2015
Dimosthenis (Dimos) Arhodidis (‘87) is the Chief Country Officer for Deutsche Bank in Greece. He previously was the General Manager and member of the Executive Board of Eurobank until 2019, was appointed Head of Global Markets & Wealth Management in February 2015. He joined Eurobank in 2001 as Head of Global Markets Sales and was appointed Head of Group Private Banking in 2008. His banking career started at Bankers Trust London in 1997. After the acquisition of Bankers Trust by Deutsche Bank, he worked in the Structured Credit Derivatives Group of Deutsche Bank London. He has also worked for strategy consulting firm Monitor Company on projects in the U.S.A., U.A.E. and Greece in 1995-96. Dimos received the M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in Business Economics (Ph.D. and MBA) from Harvard University and Harvard Business School on a full fellowship. He graduated Summa Cum Laude from Hamilton College where he received a double major in Economics and Mathematics. He received honors in both fields leading to his admission to the Phi Beta Kappa (ΦΒΚ) Academic Honor Society for excellent academic performance. He also spent a year as a visiting student at the London School of Economics.

Assael, Yannis

High School Oversight; ACT Oversight; CTY & Ancillary Activities; Ad-Hoc Wellbeing


Board member since 2021
Dr. Yannis Assael '08 is a Staff Research Scientist at Google DeepMind working on Artificial Intelligence, and he is featured in Forbes' "30 Under 30" distinguished scientists of Europe. In 2013, he graduated from the Department of Applied Informatics, University of Macedonia, and with full scholarships, he did an MSc at the University of Oxford, finishing first in his year, and an MRes at Imperial College London. In 2016, he returned to Oxford for a DPhil degree with a Google DeepMind scholarship, and after a series of research breakthroughs and entrepreneurial activities, he started as a researcher at Google DeepMind. His contributions range from audio-visual speech recognition to multi-agent communication and AI for culture to study damaged ancient texts. Throughout this time, his research has attracted the media's attention several times, has been featured on the cover of the scientific journal Nature, and focuses on contributing to and expanding the greater good.

Behrakis, Maria

CTY & Ancillary Activities; Institutional Advancement Regional Subcommittee – US; Ad-Hoc Wellbeing – Chair

Board Member since 2012
Maria Behrakis is a community activist focused on education and Greek American philanthropy. A mother of three children, she has served as PTO President of the General John Nixon School, and also as a member of the School Advisory Council. In addition, Mrs. Behrakis is a member of the Hellenic Women’s Club, an association founded in 1936, which supports Boston area charities, and along with her husband she is active in Leadership 100, a Greek American service organization committed to preserving Hellenism and Orthodoxy in America. She also does volunteer work in support of the Behrakis Family Endowment at Boston College which was founded in 2001 for the advancement of Hellenic Studies and the promotion of travel abroad to Greece. In her previous professional career, she was with Putnam Investments and Fidelity Investments (1990-1997). Mrs. Behrakis received a BA in Economics with a minor in Computer Science from Brandeis University (1990).

Bernitsas, Panayotis M. “Notis”

Facilities Committee

Board Member since 2010
Panayotis M. (Notis) Bernitsas has been the Managing Partner of M&P Bernitsas Law Offices since 1984 and continues to have an active, broad-based commercial practice. He is particularly well known for his EU and Competition practice and has represented clients in many high profile cartel cases before the Greek Competition Commission. Mr. Bernitsas leads the Project Finance & Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) team and has been heavily involved in the majority of the concession projects undertaken in Greece since the opening of the market, including all six motorway projects, advising concessionaires, lending banks and contracting authorities. He also led the firm’s teams which contributed to the development of the first legislative structure governing Project Finance by preparing a draft of the law on the granting and operation of concession projects for works and services on behalf of the Ministry of National Economy and the new law on PPPs. His vast experience in privatizations includes an impressive track record of involvement in many of the major and groundbreaking transactions which have taken place in Greece. Mr. Bernitsas’ dispute resolution expertise comprises representing his clients before the High Courts and in numerous arbitrations. He also acts as an arbitrator at the International Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Bernitsas was Assistant Professor and subsequently Associate Professor of International Economic Law, the Law of International Business Transactions and European Community Law at the University of Thrace (1983-2007). He has also served as Counsel to the Prime Minister on EU matters (1989-1990).

Bissell Grogan, Kenyon "Kennie"

Executive – Vice Chair; Board Governance; High School Oversight; Institutional Advancement – Chair; Institutional Advancement Regional Subcommittee - US – Chair; Ad-Hoc Wellbeing

Board Member since 2014
Kenyon (Kennie) Bissell Grogan has been the Executive Director of the George Seymour Bissell Charitable Foundation since 2012, and has served as a Trustee member of the foundation since 1994. Ms. Grogan has also been serving as a Trustee for Brimmer and May School, a coeducational, independent day school with grades pre-K through 12 since 1985, of which she is also an alumna. She was the Chair of the board of trustees from 1997-2005 and led the school through accreditation, strategic planning, property acquisition and multiple building projects in addition to serving on various committees and capital campaigns. Ms. Grogan is also a Corporator and member of the Development committee at Tenacre Country Day School, a coeducational, independent primary school. Prior to her work in non-profit governance, Ms. Grogan was Vice-President of the Capital Markets Technologies Division at The First National Bank of Boston, now Bank of America (1981-1994). Ms. Grogan received a BA degree in American Studies from Colby-Sawyer College (1981). She has also completed research and has participated in an education exchange program at the University of California (1979).

Bissell, Caroline

International School Oversight; Institutional Advancement; Finance


Board member since 2022
Caroline Bissell joins the Board having served on the Finance committee since 2017. Throughout her career, Caroline focused primarily on the nonprofit sector, providing financing and expertise to large educational, healthcare, and arts institutions. Professionally she served as Assistant Vice-President at Harris Bank in Chicago as well as holding various positions at Bank of America before becoming the Assistant Vice President for their Not-for-Profit and Healthcare Group. She also held positions at the Illinois Development Finance Authority, the American Library Association, and Berman Lloyd & Associates in Chicago. She received her BA in Asian History from Barnard College, Columbia University (1984) and after years of working in Advertising returned to school to earn a Masters of Management with a concentration in public/nonprofit management and finance at the Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University (1994). While at Kellogg, she also served as Women in Management’s representative to the Committee on Diversity. She served on the Environmental Advisory Council in the City of Easton, PA, for ten years where she helped write and get passed a solar ordinance as well as the development and implementation of an invasive species management plan for the local waterways. She was chair of the Moravian Academy Library Guild in Bethlehem, PA. She has been involved with educational activities both in the US and in Tanzania and has volunteered in her community as a Judge of Election since 2009.

Clymer, John H. “Jack”

Executive Committee; Investment Committee; Long-Range Planning Committee

Board Member since 1981
John H. (Jack) Clymer has practiced with the Boston law firm of Nixon Peabody LLP and previously with Hutchins, Wheeler & Dittmar since 1965. Mr. Clymer is a member of the Massachusetts, Boston and American Bar Associations, and has been active on committees focused on estate planning, probate and non-profit organization matters. He is named in Best Lawyers in America, Trusts and Estates field, and is a fellow of the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel and a member of its Practice and Charitable Planning Committees. Mr. Clymer is a contributor to The Handbook of Estate Planning (Crumbley, ed., Dow Jones-Irwin, 1988), Massachusetts Probate Manual (Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education, 2003-2011), Massachusetts Non-profit Organizations (Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education, 2007-2011), and with two of his partners has written Massachusetts Estate Planning and Administration, a two-volume practice guide for professionals, published and supplemented annually by Lexis Publishing. Mr. Clymer is a director of Boston Private Bank and Trust Company. He serves as a trustee of Sofia American Schools, Inc. (Sofia, Bulgaria), and is the President of the Boston Bar Foundation. Mr. Clymer lives in Concord, Massachusetts, and currently serves on the town’s Historic Districts Commission. Mr. Clymer received a BA degree in American Civilization from Princeton University (1962) and a JD from Harvard Law School (1965).

Constantinidis, Constantinos S.

Executive; Board Governance; High School Oversight – Chair; CTY & Ancillary Activities

Board Member since 2010
Constantinos S. Constantinidis (‘81) is Managing Director and Vice-President of PELOPAC S.A. in Thessaloniki, Greece, a company manufacturing Greek and Mediterranean specialty foods for export markets, especially the US and UK. Mr. Constantinidis has participated in the summerhouse residences development “Ktima Constantinidis” in Halkidiki, Greece, and in other real estate projects. He is the Vice President of the Federation of Industries of Northern Greece (FING) and a member of the board of various NGOs. Mr. Constantinidis received a BSC in Mechanical Engineering from Queen Mary College, University of London (1984), and an MBA from the Columbia University Graduate School of Business (1986).

Demoulas, Madeline Irene

Long-Range Planning; Institutional Advancement Regional Subcommittee – US

Board Member since 2013
Madeline Demoulas works at Demoulas & Market Basket Supermarkets based in Tewksbury, Massachusetts. She is on the Store Operations Team and oversees 77 checkouts. She also manages the customer service program throughout the chain. Prior to joining her family business, she worked in the Human Resources Department at Admirals Bank. Ms. Demoulas enjoys being involved in the Boston community, and she currently volunteers as the Auction Chair for a local non-profit organization, known as Runway for Recovery. During her spring semester of 2011, she studied abroad at The American College of Thessaloniki. Throughout her four years at Boston College, she was a member of the board and staff of the student newspaper, “The Heights”. Ms. Demoulas served as the Local Sales Advertising Manager and wrote a weekly column. She is an avid sailor, and spent several summers teaching sailing on Cape Cod during high school and college. Ms. Demoulas attended high school at the Middlesex School in Concord, MA and graduated from Boston College with a BA in English (2012).

DeNormandie, Robert L.

Executive – Treasurer; Finance – Chair; Audit

Board Member since 1992
Robert L. DeNormandie is an independent director of various fund and non-fund entities and lives in Lincoln, Massachusetts. Mr. DeNormandie founded the Directors Office in Luxembourg in 2004 until his retirement in 2016. Previously, he served as Chief Financial Officer at Pioneer Global Asset Management, Unicredit Bank Group (2001-2003). Mr. DeNormandie worked for PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (previously Coopers & Lybrand) (1977-2001), where he was admitted to the partnership in 1992. He and Eliana spent three years in Algeria with a “Peace Corps-esque” mainstream religious development organization, where his responsibilities included obtaining support from organizations in Europe and the US for development projects, recruitment of teachers, doctors and engineers and support for recruits working in Algeria. Mr. DeNormandie received a BA cum laude in Economics from Harvard College (1966), and a Fulbright from the Swiss government to study in Geneva, where he obtained a license in International Studies from the Graduate Institute of International Studies, University of Geneva (1968). He passed the CPA examination after receiving an MS in Accounting from the Northeastern University Graduate School of Professional Accounting (1978).

Douzinas, Eva

Ad-Hoc Wellbeing Committee


Board member since 2023
Eva R. Douzinas serves as the President of the Rauch Foundation, where she has been a member of the board for over 20 years. In this role, the foundation has focused its mission on global food systems and promoting financial and nutrition literacy in schools. Previously, Eva was the Co-President and CFO for Veson Nautical Corporation, a commercial maritime software company based in Boston that she co-founded in 2003 and ran until the sale of the company in 2017. In this time, the company was named as one of Boston Business Journal's Best Places to Work three times, grew to have offices in now five countries and continues to serve many of the world’s premier shipping organizations with over 450 employees worldwide. Since 2018, she has devoted a significant amount of her time to the non-profit cultural and educational center she cofounded in Greece, Katheti AMKE, serving the Troizinia region and headquartered on the island of Poros. Eva studied Economics and Classics at Wesleyan University and completed her MBA at New York University's Stern School of Business.

Economos, Anastasia

ACT Oversight; Finance; Audit


Board member since 2022
Ms. Economou is a recently retired partner in Ernst & Young LLP’s Financial Accounting Advisory Services (FAAS) practice where she advised global organizations on the impact of regulatory and transformational change on the accounting and financial reporting function and related processes. Anastasia has over 35 years of experience. In her role as the Americas Accounting Change Leader for Leases, Anastasia coordinated advisory, assurance, and tax partners, and professionals in the development and delivery of innovative services to assist companies in the adoption and ongoing reporting under the new lease standards. Anastasia previously served as the Northeast Area Control and Methodology Leader. In this role, she led the implementation efforts of the region related to the Sarbanes Oxley Act’s requirements regarding internal controls and continues to provide the “audit lens” on transformation projects. Anastasia is a CPA and a member of the AICPA. She received her BS in Accounting and MBA in Finance from New York University. Anastasia is a member of the advisory council of Fordham University’s Orthodox Christian Studies Center and the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and the Metropolis of New Jersey. She previously served on the boards of the Cosmetic Executive Women and St. Michael’s Home for the Aged.

Efthymiadis, Vassilis "Vassos"

Board Member since 2024

Mr. Vassos Efthymiadis (‘90) holds a B.Sc. in Industrial Economics from the London School of Economics (1993) and an M.Sc. In Shipping, Trade and Finance from City University (1994). He is Managing Director of K&N Efthymiadis S.A., one of the leading Greek companies in the field of agricultural supplies, established in 1935 and having a significant export activity in various countries of Southeastern Europe. Moreover, he is Vice President of the Redestos Agrotechnology Group, the largest and most diverse agribusiness group in Greece, dealing with agricultural supplies, R&D in plant propagation material, analytical laboratory services concerning food quality and hygiene, environmental services, and food trading through contract farming.Alongside his main business interests, Mr. Efthymiadis is actively involved in a number of associations and educational institutions for the promotion of economic growth and development. In this capacity, he is currently serving as Vice President in the Hellenic Crop Protection Association, Board Member of the Hellenic Association of Chemical Industries, and Advisory Board Member of the International Hellenic University. He is married to Calliope Gkantzou, and they have two children.

Elfner, Albert H. “Chip” III

Chairman of the Board; All committees ex officio

Board Member since 1986
Albert H. (Chip) Elfner, III, Chairman of the Board of Trustees and CFA, is a former CEO of Keystone Investments and has more than thirty years’ experience in investment management. He currently serves as lead Director and Chairman of the Executive Committee for Unitil Corp. in Hampton, New Hampshire. Mr. Elfner is also the Director and Chairman of the Audit Committee of Main Street America Insurance Co. in Jacksonville, Florida, and a member of the Boston Security Analysts Society. Mr. Elfner is a former President of Mountain Lake Corporation. In addition to his involvement in the investment management field, Mr. Elfner has served as a Trustee for several educational institutions, including the New England Colleges Fund (former President), Middlesex School, and Middlebury College, his alma mater, where he served as Chairman of the Budget and Finance Committee. Mr. Elfner is currently a Trustee of the Trustees of the Donations of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts. Mr. Elfner received his Bachelor’s degree from Middlebury College and completed the AMP program at Harvard Business School.

Elfner, Nicholas

Executive; Investment – Chair; International School Oversight; CTY & Ancillary Activities

Board Member since 2019

Nick Elfner is co-head of investment research at Breckinridge Capital Advisors in Boston. He is a member of the firm’s Investment Committee where he is jointly responsible for setting the firm’s investment outlook and the translation into portfolio strategy. In his role, Nick also heads Breckinridge’s corporate bond research team. He has over 28 years of investment industry experience. Prior to Breckinridge, Nick was a vice president at Wellington Management Company where he researched and managed corporate bonds. He also held senior corporate research positions with Merrill Lynch & Co. Inc. in New York and Toronto. He began his career at Smith Barney & Co. in Tokyo and Hong Kong as an assistant trader. Nick is a Trustee of Anatolia College and serves as chair of the Investment Committee. He also serves on the Board of Directors and the Investment Committee of The Japan Society of Boston. He is a volunteer and member of the Steering Committee for UNCF’s Lighted Pathways Program. Nick is a member of the CFA Society Boston, Inc. and the Fixed Income Analysts’ Society. He is a member of Beta Gamma Sigma, an academic honor society recognizing high scholastic achievement in business school. Nick has volunteered as Alumni Senator at the Fenn School. He regularly volunteers his time with Trustees of Reservations. Nick holds a B.A. from Middlebury College and an MBA, magna cum laude, from the F.W. Olin School of Business at Babson College. He is a graduate of the Middlesex School. Nick lives in Cohasset, Massachusetts with his wife, Raina and two sons, Benjamin, and Samuel.

Evangelidis, Leonidas A.

Elementary School Oversight; High School Oversight; Facilities; Institutional Advancement Regional Subcommittee – Greece

Board Member since 2005
Leonidas Evangelidis (‘53) entered the Greek diplomatic service in 1961. He served among other, as Ambassador of Greece to Iraq, Poland and Germany, as well as Permanent Representative of Greece to the European Union. After leaving the Foreign Service in 1996, he became Director General for Foreign and Security Policy at the Council Secretariat of the European Union, from which he retired in 2000. In view of the 2004 Athens Olympics, he was appointed Secretary General at the Ministry of Public Order, a posting he kept until 2006 to become Chairman and CEO of the Center for Security Studies (2006-2007) and later member of the Board of Directors of the Telecommunications Organization of Greece (2008-2010). Leonidas Evangelidis studied Law and Economics at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (1959).

Florentin, Jack J.

Executive – Vice Chair; International School Oversight – Chair; High School Oversight; Elementary School Oversight; Finance; Institutional Advancement; Long-Range Planning

Board Member since 2006
Jack Florentin (‘66) is the founder, President and CEO of Sarah Lawrence S.A., a women’s apparel manufacturer and retailer, that today distributes Sarah Lawrence Jeans and the Danish brand Fransa. Previously, Mr. Florentin was Sales Director for northern Greece at Aigaion Textiles S.A. (1979-1982) and civil engineer at Treadwell Corporation in New York (1971-1973). He served on the Board of Directors of the Columbia University Alumni Club of Greece (2003-2006), was President of Stavronikita, a resort housing complex with 500 units in Sani, Chalkidiki (2003-2007) and President of the Anatolia College Alumni Association (1996-2000). Mr. Florentin has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Fulbright Foundation since 2003 and an interviewer for Columbia University candidates since 1998, and has also served as Chairman of the interview committee. He has also been a member of the Executive Committee of the Cultural Society of Entrepreneurs of Northern Greece since 2013. Mr. Florentin received a BS (1970) and MS (1971) in Civil Engineering from the School of Engineering, Columbia University, and an MBA from Columbia Business School (1975).

Gallopoulos, Gregory S.

Board Governance; ACT Oversight

Board Member since 2012
Greg Gallopoulos is Senior Vice-President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary of General Dynamics Corporation, a diversified defense and aerospace company headquartered in Falls Church, Virginia. Before joining General Dynamics in 2008, Mr. Gallopoulos served as national managing partner of Jenner & Block LLP, an AmLaw 100 law firm. He is a member of the American Bar Association, a Fellow of the American Bar Foundation and a member of the International Bar Association. He is a trustee of WETA, Inc., a director of the Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts, a trustee of The Supreme Court Historical Society, a trustee of the Foundation for International Law, and board member of the International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution. Mr. Gallopoulos holds a JD, magna cum laude, from the University of Michigan Law School (1984) and an AB with highest honors from the University of Michigan (1981).

Georgiadis, Stathis I.

Executive; Facilities – Chair; High School Oversight; Elementary School Oversight; Long-Range Planning

Board Member since 2011
Stathis Georgiadis (‘75) co-founded EKATER Construction Co., a leading construction and real estate firm mainly active in Northern Greece, in 1984. Since 2002 he has served as Chairman of the Board and CEO of the company. Mr. Georgiadis is a member of the Greek Technical Chamber (TEE) and a member of the board of the Thessaloniki branch of the YMCA, as well as a member of the Anatolia Alumni Association and the Stanford Alumni Association. As an Anatolian, he was his class president in all six years of studies, as well as valedictorian at the 1975 commencement ceremony. Mr. Georgiadis received a BS in Civil Engineering from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (1980) and an MS in Civil-Earthquake Engineering from Stanford University (1981).

Greka, Anna

ACT Oversight


Board member since 2021
Anna Greka ('93) is a physician-scientist who serves as an Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and as an Institute Member of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. Dr. Greka leads a program focused on defining fundamental mechanisms of disrupted cellular homeostasis that drive kidney, metabolic and degenerative disorders across the lifespan. Dr. Greka is the recipient of many honors including the Seldin-Smith Award for Pioneering Research from the American Society of Clinical Investigation (ASCI) and a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE). Dr. Greka was Anatolia High School Commencement Speaker in 2018 and she annually sponsors an Anatolia student each summer to study in her lab in Boston.

Hardouvelis, Gikas A.

Finance; Long-Range Planning

Board Member since 2011
Dr. Gikas A. Hardouvelis (‘74) is Professor of Finance & Economics, Department of Banking and Financial Management, University of Piraeus. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics (1983, U.C. Berkeley), and M.Sc. & B.A. in Applied Mathematics (1978, Harvard University). He was Assistant Professor at Barnard College, Columbia University (1983-1989), Associate Professor and subsequently Full Professor at Rutgers University (1989-1993). He has served the Greek government as Minister of Finance (June 2014-January 2015), and economic adviser to two prime ministers (Nov. 2011 – May 2012, May 2000 – March 2004). His banking experience spans the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (1987-1993), the Bank of Greece (1994-1995), where he also acted as Second Alternate to the Governor at the European Monetary Institute, the National Bank of Greece (1996-2000) and Eurobank (2005-2014). His academic work extends in Finance and Macroeconomics and is published in journals including the American Economic Review, Journal of Finance, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Journal of Monetary Economics, etc. He was included in the Hall of Fame of the top-50 individual publishers worldwide in applied econometrics over 1989 to 1995.

Hemenway, John F.

Executive – Assistant Treasurer; Board Governance; Audit – Chair

Board Member since 2014
John F. Hemenway has served as the Assistant Attorney General for the Non-profit Organizations and Public Charities Division of the Attorney General’s Office in Boston since 2010. Prior to that, Mr. Hemenway was Regional Fiduciary Officer at Bank of America where he provided fiduciary and legal oversight. Mr. Hemenway has practiced law in several prominent Boston area law firms, including Hutchins, Wheeler & Dittmar. He also serves as a member of the board of directors for the New England Forestry Foundation, and as Treasurer of the Beacon Hill Civic Association. Mr. Hemenway received a BA degree in History from the University of Pennsylvania and a JD cum laude from Boston University Law School (1988). He has been selected as a visiting scholar by the American Academy in Rome for the spring of 2015.

Kafatos, Vassilis E.

Executive; Elementary School Oversight – Chair; ACT Oversight; Finance

Board Member since 2011
Vassilis Kafatos is a Partner of Deloitte in charge of Strategy. He is the Clients & Industries Leader for Greece and Chairman of the Deloitte Alexander Competency Center. He has extensive consulting experience in various sectors of the economy. He has supervised major projects in the fields of corporate & digital strategy, business model transformation, financial restructuring, mergers & acquisitions and operational excellence. In addition to the Board of Trustees of Anatolia College, he serves as a member of the Board of Directors of the American - Hellenic Chamber of Commerce and as an Executive Committee member of the Board of Directors of the Federation of Industries of Northern Greece. He holds a degree in Economic Science from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, an MBA in Corporate Strategy from the University of Texas at Austin and postgraduate diplomas in Business Leadership from the International Institute for Management Development (IMD), Lausanne.

Levy, Steven

ACT Oversight; Investment; Long-Range Planning


Board Member since 2018
Steven Levy is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Pismo Investments, a Family Office that targets investments in Real Estate, Private Equity and Debt, and Internally Funded Ventures. In his current role, Mr. Levy oversees all investment operations, including selection, improvement and rebalancing. Mr. Levy has held a number of leadership positions in technology companies. He was Chairman and CEO of Verivo Software, a cross-platform mobile development platform for enterprises. Prior to that, Mr. Levy was CEO of Mears Technologies (now Atomera), a Semiconductor Materials and Intellectual Property (IP) licensing firm focused on deploying its quantum engineered Mears Silicon Technology to the semiconductor industry. Mr. Levy graduated from MIT in 1986 with a Masters in Computer Science (with a focus in Artificial Intelligence), a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. He grew up in New York City to Greek Jewish immigrants. He currently resides in the Boston area.

Lindsay, Helen E. “Lena”

Board Member since 2004
Helen E. (Lena) Lindsay (‘64) was born in Thessaloniki, Greece. She graduated from Anatolia College in Thessaloniki and came to the United States on a Fulbright scholarship to study physics at University of Minnesota Institute of Technology, graduating in 1969. She completed a management and marketing training program at Dayton Hudson, and worked as an engineering product manager for MTS Systems in Minneapolis - St Paul, MN.

Manos, Alexandros "Alex"

Board Member since 2024

Alexandros N. Manos (’89) is a seasoned executive with over 20 years of experience leading companies in developing, marketing and selling internationally cutting-edge technologies. He holds a BSc in Electrical Engineering and a BA in Business Economics from Brown University and an MSc in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Since January 2015, he has been a member of the Board of Directors and holds the position of Chief Executive Officer at Netcompany-Intrasoft S.A., a Luxembourg based leading European IT Solutions and Services Group of Companies. Previously, he served as a member of the Board of Directors and CEO of Intracom Telecom S.A., an international telecommunication systems vendor, as well as CEO of Conklin Corporation, a company offering broadband solutions and IPTV to the US market. He is a member of several scientific, engineering, and economics societies and a young global leader of World Economic Forum (WEF).

Margaropoulos, Nikolaos "Nikos" K.

Board Member since 2024

Nikos Margaropoulos (’82) is a Supreme Court lawyer and Managing Partner of Margaropoulos & Associates, Scientia Legis law firm, with offices in Thessaloniki and Athens. Specializing in business and corporate law, he has extensive expertise in complex M&A transactions. Since 1995, he has been the Honorary Consul of the Philippines in Thessaloniki and a former president of the Consular Corps in Greece. In 2022, he was elected President of FICAC, the International Federation of Consular Corps and Associations, based in Brussels. He has been a BoD member of the Italian Chamber since 2011 and its Treasurer since 2014, a member of the AMCHAM Northern Greece Committee since 2017, and the former Secretary General of the Greek-Turkish Chamber in Thessaloniki (2009 2020). He served as President of the Propeller Club of Thessaloniki (2008 2012) and Governor of the 2475 (Greece) Rotary International District (2024–2025). Since 2017, Nikos has been the President of the Board of Trustees of the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle and Modern History of Macedonia Foundation. He serves as a BoD member of various private sector companies and NGOs. He served on the BoD of Pinewood from 2009 to 2018, including as President (2012–2015). He was awarded the title of Cavaliere by the President of the Italian Republic in 2009 and is a recipient of the Gusi Peace Prize. Nikos is fluent in English, Italian, and Spanish. He and his wife Jenny have a son and a daughter.

Moreno, Evelyn V.

Board Governance

Board Member since 2016
Evelyn V. Moreno is a Partner at Nixon Peabody LLP, where she is the Practice Group Leader of the Private Clients Group. Her practice is concentrated in the areas of gift and estate tax planning, estate and trust administration, and representation of nonprofit organizations, as well as foundations, in a variety of matters including structure, governance, planned giving and tax issues, and the reformation and termination of charitable trusts. She also serves as trustee of several trusts for clients. Prior to joining Nixon Peabody in 2003, Ms. Moreno was a Partner at Hutchins, Wheeler & Dittmar. Ms. Moreno currently serves at the Chair of the Board for Family Service of Greater Boston. Previous civic and charitable activities include serving as the Director of East Boston Social Centers, Inc., serving on the Professional Advisors Committee for the Boston Foundation and for the Brookline Foundation, and serving as a member of the Planned Giving Committee for the Catholic Foundation of the Archdiocese of Boston. Ms. Moreno received her Bachelor’s degree with honors from the University of Notre Dame (1983), and her Juris Doctorate degree cum laude from Boston University School of Law (1986).

Nicholas, Nestor M.

Executive; Audit

Board Member since 1988
Nestor M. Nicholas is General Counsel of Boston Capital, a real estate investment company, and has been of counsel to the Boston law firm of Nixon Peabody since 2007. Mr. Nicholas joined Nixon Peabody (formerly Peabody & Brown) in 1970 and was a partner from 1972 and managing partner from 1996 until he retired in 2007. He worked for the US Justice Department (1967) as an attorney specializing in the trial of Federal Income Tax cases in District Courts, and for the US Treasury Department as an attorney specializing in international and corporate areas (1965-1967). Mr. Nicholas was admitted to practice before the Massachusetts Bar Tax Court of the United States and the Massachusetts Federal District Court, and is a member of the Boston Bar Association and the Metropolitan Tax Club. Mr. Nicholas received a BA from Brown University (1961), an LLB from Cornell University Law School (1964), and an MA in Taxation from New York University School of Law (1965).

Papageorgiou, Markos

Executive; ACT Oversight – Chair; Facilities


Board Member since 2017
Since 2001, Mr. Markos Papageorgiou has served as President and Managing Director of MABIZ SA, the sole feedstuff producing industry for Mink farms in Southeast Europe. He is also a shareholder in Bosman Mink Farm SA, which operates five mink farms in Greece, and Vendavel Energy SA, a company active in the development and operation of wind farms and alternative energy sources in Greece with a portfolio in excess of 100 Mw. Additionally, Mr. Papageorgiou has considerable interests in shipping as well as commercial and residential property management companies in Europe and North America. Through his membership on the Board of Directors of the Papageorgiou Foundation, a charitable institution with donations in excess of $30 million over the past 10 years, he continues his family’s tradition of philanthropy and social responsibility in the fields of health, education, and religion. Mr. Papageoriou is an alternate member of the Board of Directors of Papageorgiou Hospital of Thessaloniki, a member of several cultural associations, former president of the Siatista Gymnastics Club for 10 years, and has served as president of the Kozani Nautical Club since 1998. Mr. Papageorgiou received his B.A. in Business Management from Fairleigh Dickinson University.

Papaioannou, Angelos G.

Elementary School Oversight; International School Oversight

Board Member since 2003
Angelos Papaioannou (‘69) has been involved in the agricultural machinery business in Greece, working at G. Papaioannou, S.A. and as CEO of Anchialos, S.A. for the last thirty-five years. Mr. Papaioannou served as president of the Anatolia College Alumni Association (2001-2007) and as Treasurer (1996-1999). Mr. Papaioannou received a BA from the American College of Switzerland (1972) and an MBA from USIU in San Diego (1974).

Plakantonaki, Charis

Executive; Long-Range Planning – Chair; ACT Oversight; CTY & Ancillary Activities; Institutional Advancement Regional Subcommittee – Greece

Board Member since 2010
Charis Plakantonaki (’97) is the Chief Strategy Officer at Star Bulk Carriers Corp., the largest dry bulk shipping company listed today on the NASDAQ. Previously she worked for seven years at Thenamaris (Ships Management) Inc., a leading global operator of oceangoing vessels, first as Strategic Projects Manager and subsequently as Head of Corporate Communications. Prior to Thenamaris, she was a Senior Consultant at the Boston Consulting Group, and before that she has worked at the multinational FMCG company DIAGEO and at the Organizing Committee of the ATHENS 2004 Olympic & Paralympic Games. She holds an MBA from INSEAD (2003) and a BS in International & European Economics & Politics from the University of Macedonia (2001), where she graduated as valedictorian. Since 2001, Charis is a Board member of her family’s business which is active in real estate development and solar energy investments in Greece.

Saranti, Loukia

Elementary School Oversight; High School Oversight


Board member since 2020
Loukia Saranti is the Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of the wood-processing industry AKRITAS S.A., a family-owned company based in Alexandroupoli and listed in the Athens Stock Exchange. She started her career in 1985, mainly involved in the Commercial and Business Development divisions of the company.
Mrs. Saranti is the President of the Federation of Industries of Greece, Trustee of Anatolia College in Thessaloniki, Member of the Executive Committee of the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce of Northern Greece, as well as Member of the Executive Committee of the Cultural Society of Entrepreneurs of Northern Greece. She is also an independent Member of the Board of Directors of Alumil S.A. In the past, she has also served as a President of AHTIDA, an association for autistic people in Thessaloniki.
She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management and Marketing.

Taka, Irina

Executive; Board Governance – Co-Chair; High School Oversight – Vice Chair; Elementary School Oversight; International School Oversight; Institutional Advancement Regional Subcommittee – Greece

Board Member since 2010
Irina Taka (‘95) is Vice-President/Head of Development at EVYP LLP (Greek Industry of Hydrolized Protein), her family’s business, which is active in the research and development of products exclusively of plant origin for use in organic and traditional agriculture. Previously Ms. Taka served as general counsel for Capital Maritime & Trading Corp, and Nasdaq listed Capital Product Partners L.P. She began her career at the United Nations Education, Science and Culture Organization in Paris, before continuing as a corporate law associate for Sullivan & Cromwell in New York and London. Ms. Taka is a member of the New York Bar and a Solicitor of England & Wales. She also serves on the Board of the Stanford Alumni Association of Greece, is a founding member of the not for profit “Desmos” and a member of various entrepreneurial and business organizations. Ms. Taka received a BA in International Relations and Art History from Stanford (1999) and a JD from the New York University School of Law (2003).

Trethewey, Marguerite "Peggy"

Institutional Advancement; Institutional Advancement Regional Subcommittee – US; Long-Range Planning; Ad-Hoc Wellbeing


Board Member since 2017
Marguerite “Peggy” Trethewey began her career as a district sales manager for Transportation Consultants International in Boston, Massachusetts. After relocating to California, she held a number of managerial positions, including regional sales manager for Transportation Consultants International in San Francisco, director of marketing projects for the Pacific Area Travel Association, and as a business manager in the protocol department of the Olympic Organizing Committee in 1984. Ms. Trethewey has also been actively involved as a board member of many of San Francisco’s most illustrious institutions, including the San Francisco Opera, San Francisco Ballet, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco Fine Arts Museums, and San Francisco City College up until 2013. In addition, Ms. Trethewey has also served as the Board Director of Carson Products, Inc., in Savannah, Georgia, and is currently involved with the United States Navy SEALS Evening of Tribute. Ms. Trethewey graduated from Sweet Briar College and completed the Wharton Business School’s Executive Finance Course.

Tsernou, Glykeria

Board Governance; High School Oversight; International School Oversight; Institutional Advancement Regional Subcommittee – Greece; Finance


Board Member since 2018
Glykeria Tsernou (’89) has worked in her family’s business Th.Vassilakis Group (Aegean Airlines, Hertz, SEAT, Hyundai/KIA) since 2013, overseeing new projects and investments. She started her professional life in investment banking as an analyst at Morgan Stanley in New York upon graduating from university, and then in management consulting at Marakon Associates (a Charles River Associates Company) in London following her graduate business studies. Upon returning to Greece, she first joined Alumil S.A., a leading aluminum extrusion industry as Head of Corporate Planning and then moved to Globalfinance S.A., the pioneer in private equity in Greece, as Investment Manager until 2008. Following that, she joined financial advisory boutique Vector Partners working on projects across industries in Greece including acquisitions, de-listings, corporate transformations, etc.
During the course of her professional life, she has served on the Board of Directors of several companies in various sectors. She has also been a member of the Board of the Young Presidents Organization (YPO – Greek Chapter) and has been involved with the Cycladic Museum in Athens as a volunteer assisting with fundraising and organizational issues. She studied Business Economics and International Relations at Brown University (graduated Magna Cum Laude, elected to Phi Beta Kappa ΦΒΚ) and holds an MBA from the London Business School.

Vlachos, Panos N.

President; Trustee Ex-Officio; Member of all Committees Ex-Officio

Board Member since 2012
Dr. Panos Vlachos was appointed President of Anatolia College in April 2013. In this capacity, he serves as the lead administrator of Anatolia’s three educational divisions: Anatolia Elementary School, Anatolia High School (including the International Baccalaureate Program), and the American College of Thessaloniki (ACT). Prior to his appointment as President of Anatolia he served in a variety of administrative leadership positions at ACT over the past 15 years. In 2009 he was appointed Vice-President for Academic Affairs at Anatolia and Provost of ACT serving also as the institutional-wide chief of Libraries and Information Technology. Dr. Vlachos has worked as a professor for over 20 years teaching at the graduate and undergraduate level. He has supervised a number of large scale Information Technology projects and his academic research has been published in the Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, the Journal of Applicable Analysis, the Journal of Dynamic Systems and Applications and other academic journals. He holds a BS in Mathematics from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (1985), an MSc in Mathematics (1987) and a PhD in Applied Sciences from the University of Rhode Island in the US (1990).

Weil, David S., Jr.

Executive – Clerk; Board Governance – Co-Chair; CTY & Ancillary Activities – Chair; Finance – Vice Chair; Audit; Institutional Advancement

Board Member since 2012
David S. Weil retired from Northrop Grumman Corporation in 2010 following 32 years in senior legal and international business positions including General Counsel for Page Communications Engineers, Inc., Assistant General Counsel for Northrop Grumman Corporation, and Vice-President for Northrop Grumman’s international business development. He was previously in the General Counsel’s Office of Washington DC- based Communications Satellite Corporation (COMSAT), acting as the Legal Advisor for the eleven nation AEROSAT program located at the European Space Agency headquarters in the Netherlands. He currently serves on the Dean’s Committee at Case Western Reserve Law School and is president of a home owners’ association board in Northern California. Mr. Weil served for ten years on the Board of Trustees of Middlesex School in Concord, Massachusetts, from which he graduated in 1962. Mr. Weil received a BA in economics from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania (1966),a degree in Company Law from University College Law School at the University of London (1969), and a JD from Case Western Reserve Law School (1970).
