Important update 28-2-2020: Coronavirus & Precautionary Measures
According to a recent announcement by the Ministry of Health, all school trips abroad are suspended, as well as our planned Anatolia College trips to Brussels and Hannover.
The coronavirus (now officially named COVID-19) has been declared a public health emergency by the World Health Organization (WHO) and uncertainty around this can bring about fear and worry.
Following today’s confirmation of the first COVID-19 case in Thessaloniki, the Minister of Health, Mr. Kikilias, made a public announcement after a meeting that took place in Thessaloniki. In his announcement, he stated that there is no reason to panic. Authorities are now tracking all individuals who came in contact with the first patient in Thessaloniki, including those who were traveling on the same airplane from Italy, and information will be shared as needed.
There was no mention of additional measures that need to be taken outside of those preventive measures outlined by WHO.
Anatolia College follows all directives prescribed by the government regarding health issues. Furthermore, our educational organization takes additional measures annually during the flu season to pay extra attention to cleaning surfaces that are frequently touched throughout the school day, providing antibacterial gel/disinfecting sprays to all classrooms, posting good health habits around the school, and educating teachers/staff about preventive measures during weekly meetings.
Please read below what we know so far and preventive mesaures to be taken.
We understand that our families may travel frequently. Thus, you are strongly urged to postpone travels during the current outbreak of COVID-19. However, if you do travel, you are obliged to take the following precautions:
If you have traveled to areas with documented continuous transmission of COVID-19, upon your return:
- Monitor your health for 14 days
- If you develop symptoms during or after 14 days of your return (fever or respiratory issues such as shortness of breath, cough etc.), you must remain home, seek immediate medical care, contact the National Public Health Organization (NPHO) and report your recent travels.
If you have not recently traveled but show symptoms, follow these instructions:
- Stay at home if you begin to feel unwell, even with mild symptoms such as headache and slight runny nose, until you recover. Why? Avoiding contact with others will allow the medical facilities to operate more effectively and help protect you and others from possible COVID-19 and other viruses.
- If you develop fever, cough or difficulty breathing, seek medical advice promptly as this may be due to a respiratory infection or other serious condition. Call in advance and tell your provider of any recent travel or contact with travelers. Why? Calling in advance will allow your health care provider to quickly direct you to the right health facility. This will also help to prevent possible spread of COVID-19 and other viruses.
If your child shows flu symptoms:
- He/she must remain at home until symptoms are consistently clear for 48 hours.
As the COVID-19 outbreak develops, these instructions may change. Thus, we will continue to keep you updated.