
MUN trip to Paris

16 members of the Anatolia MUN club attended the MUN in Paris from November 29 - December 2, representing Australia, Honduras, Belarus and Rwanda. Liliana Aslanidou (IB2) was Chair of the Political Committee, selected from a huge number of applicants. The conference was especially exciting as it was held on the UNESCO premises in Paris, and 850 students took part.
Accompanied by MUN Advisor Helen Koliais and Art Historian Alexandra Charanis, the students were escorted to places of cultural interest in their free time: Notre Dame, The Eiffel Tower, The Pompidou Center , the art museum at the Quai D'Orsay , Sacre Coeur and Montmartre.The trip to Paris was tiring but everyone felt that the 5 days were most rewarding.


Meet Rainbow

About Rainbow Rainbow first opened its doors in 1984. As a day program with a fun new theme each year, it offers a unique, magical experience to children aged...

Rainbow Activities

Rainbow activities are split into three groups; Discovery, Creativity and Activity Discovery Young curious minds deserve all the help we can give them and where better than Anatolia with its collaboration...

Registration Process

Would you like your child to live the Rainbow experience this summer? Follow the simple steps below in order to submit your application and choose your payment method. Rainbow accepts...

Apply as Staff

Love working with kids? Want to spend this summer educating the young Rainbow program participants on the Anatolia Elementary School campus in Thessaloniki? Want to help out with...