Young Players Score Big Wins at Deustche Schule Thessaloniki Athletic Tournament
From February 7-9, Anatolia’s Boys’ Basketball, Girls’ Volleyball, Boys’ Lykeion and IB Soccer, and Girls’ Soccer teams competed at the Deustche Schule Thessaloniki (DST) in their annual athletic tournament. All teams competed with great effort against the 6 other schools in attendance. At the end of the tournament, our Boys’ Basketball and Girls’ Volleyball teams both placed first, while our Boys’ Lykeion and Girls’ Soccer teams both won second place.
We want to especially congratulate the Girls’ Volleyball team for an incredibly consistent winning record over the past few years. We were also impressed by our Boys’ Basketball, Boys’ Lykeion and Girls’ Soccer teams, who competed with some of the youngest players in the tournament, yet were very successful in their games. We look forward to watching these teams grow over the next few years. Congrats to our teams, their coaches, and everyone who took part in the DST tournament!