Science and Technology Club Confronts Climate Challenges in Copenhagen
From February 7-10, 2019, 28 members of the Science and Technology Club, along with teachers Ms. Samara, Ms. Hatzimavroudi and Mr. Andriopoulos, traveled to Copenhagen, Denmark. The educational trip agenda included visits to the International School of Copenhagen, the UN City, and the European Environment Agency. These visits provided opportunities for the students to witness the city’s contribution to solving environmental issues so as to use these ideas in the creation of a mobile application aimed at informing its users about becoming environmentally aware.
At UN City, students were informed about the UN’s 2030 agenda, with universal goals aimed at ending poverty, fighting inequality, and tackling climate change. At the European Environment Agency, students learnt how this agency manages data about the environment from each European country in order to influence EU affairs on matters such as sustainable water management, climate change, average temperature increase, etc. The club members also had a chance to visit the Carlsberg Glyptotek art museum, the Royal Danish Theatre, and the famous Tivoli gardens amusement park.
Overall, the students enjoyed this opportunity to familiarize themselves with the features of the Danish country and to deepen their knowledge on various environmental issues.