Future Life Saviors Club: Public Health Conference at “Anatolia Memorial” Virtual Hospital
On Saturday, March 27th, the Future Life Saviors club had its first session of the very first Public Health conference organized by their virtual hospital “Anatolia Memorial”.
1st, 2nd, and 3rd form “doctors” of different specialties, either in groups or individually, presented their projects on different public health issues like cancer, drug addiction, heart attacks, childhood obesity, and eating disorders. The students had been preparing their projects for five weeks, under the guidance of advisor Elisavet Firinidou (IB1), as the “head of hospital”, and presented their work to the rest of the hospital’s doctors, guests, and the scientific committee composed of three of the school’s chemistry and biology teachers.
Everyone worked very hard, conducted in-depth research, and skillfully answered questions posed by the audience, making the conference a very fun, interesting, and fruitful experience for all attendees. Congratulations to the future of our medical world!